Saturday, January 9, 2021

Apostleship with the Universe Father Son Spirit Personifications

I seeketh those individuals with capacities of the soul .. who possess the capabilities to venture beyond themselves .. who art prone to venture forth with Me into lands unknown, regions unexplored, terrain immaculately beautiful and untouchable by the evils and iniquities of immaturity .. they who are penetrating themselves, purifying their character tendencies to receive .. advancing to strengthen themselves and grow beyond the human inclination to ignore the facts, and to avoid the truth.

The Way of One God Authority through the Deity Circuitry

The Truth of Personal Authorship through the human circuitry using the seven faculties focused with your faith powers

The Life of Personhood Progressive Ascendancy by developing the soul vesture and eventually, the Vesture of Immortality which grants you access to the eternal worlds of higher spheres of Jerusem socialization, System service, and Morontial Soul Sensibilities and Sensitivities to experience a wider viewpoint and a more Cosmic perspective. 

The development of choices, character growth, free will, and then personality circles .. all bring about the soul vesture .. a receptacle for Me .. for the Vision of Eternity. 

Everything you act upon in thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds .. are all motivated by urges and impulses, habitual tendencies and prior momentums.

You are each in the very midst of lifetimes of learnings and soul growing upwards in socialization capacities .. in receptivity capabilities .. in personality achievements making you prepared and ready for the higher spheres of Life.

You are each becoming eternalized in your motivations so that you hold the viewpoint of eternity through your Paradise Adjuster.

As you claim your true nature, then worthiness occurs. As you think, feel, speak, and act in accordance with truthfulness and only then truth, so shall good feelings blossom.

Verily do I encourage you to penetrate thyselves with thine Individualized Life. Purify all misqualifications of potentialities. Prioritize thine attention. Plan to master time and space as you make your Progressive Ascent.

I weave into all your evolutionary growth the viewpoints of the Creator and Eternity and the Plan of Salvation .. Progressive Ascendancy of Personhood.

Michael of Nebadon 
Holy Comforter World Retreat Campus