Thursday, June 20, 2019

Reverence for the One Parenthood of Life

Ripen thine mind unto the urges of Eternity.

Relinquish thine attempts to usurp the power and love and intelligence of the Living Adjuster Presence in thee.

Be in Relationship always with the Parenthood of God and the Brotherhood of Life.

Reverence for the One God who hath Individualized himself in order to live in thee .. this reverence bringeth to the individual character maturity and soul emergence and receptivity.

Respect thine Life, and holdeth respect for thine creative nature to sow and real and resow all things into Atonement.

Recognize the Lord thy God .. his everywhereness .. his residence at the Paradise Center and Source .. and his coming to live in thy midst in order to eternalize your impulses and heightened your intellectual mind of concrete thinking unto abstract thought and the faith receptivity of the immortalizing soul vesture.

I sayeth these are a few of the Trinitarian Values which I teach at Salvington. My disciples strive daily to incorporate these value motivators creating in the individual righteousness of choice and spirit-motivated decisions led by the Adjuster Life of God.

(31.2) 1:7.2 Man does not achieve union with God as a drop of water might find unity with the ocean.

Man attains divine union by progressive reciprocal spiritual communion, by personality intercourse with the personal God, by increasingly attaining the divine nature through wholehearted and intelligent conformity to the divine will.

Such a sublime relationship can exist only between personalities.

(31.3) 1:7.3 The concept of truth might possibly be entertained apart from personality, the concept of beauty may exist without personality, but the concept of divine goodness is understandable only in relation to personality.

Only a person can love and be loved...

Even beauty and truth would be divorced from survival hope if they were not attributes of a personal God, a loving Father.

(31.4) 1:7.4 We cannot fully understand how God can be primal, changeless, all-powerful, and perfect, and at the same time be surrounded by an ever-changing and apparently law-limited universe, an evolving universe of relative imperfections.

But we can know such a truth in our own personal experience since we all maintain identity of personality and unity of will in spite of the constant changing of both ourselves and our environment.

Michael Of Nebadon
Urantia Fellowship