Me teach thee of true thankfulness and thine hearts shall gladden with the
greatest joy. Forgiveness shall abound and ye shall find that thine moral
nature grows and matures into its ripening fruits; the kingdom fruits shall
erase all errors and temptations as you art accelerated into the Father's Light
and Life.
these ways shall you become birthed into a new creature with the capacity of
receptivity for Truth Eternal.
.. thou child of existence .. begin to acknowledge that all things that you are
of goodness, truth, and beauty belong to the Father of thine Heart. He is the
giver .. he is the gift .. and he is the receiver of all gifts.
forth into this new day with a heart overflowing with rejoicing and comfort;
for I have overcome the temptations of the world .. I demonstrate to you the
possibilities of God's glory.
earth does overflow with this glory and honor .. and ye shall become the
partaker of it as you learn to give thyself away to Me. As you understand My
way of victory .. so then shall you enter the vibratory reality of the kingdom.
sayeth to those personalities with the impulse for Truth and Life .. slow
thyselves and breathe deeply .. and breathe with awareness and consciousness
present. Breathe .. open thine chest and heart to relax and reward thineself
with My glory which I have been given to extend to all lives; for I am the
Universal Vine and you are each Mine branches.
answer resides in our engagement of eternity. All solutions for thine struggles
shall become known unto thee only as you lay aside the short-term
satisfactions, the tendency for immediate gratifications coming from the nature
of the world.
all things from My perspective. Gain Mine insight into the reality which
underlies all form, and ye shall discover the brightness of a new day
heightening thine spirit sense and expanding thine relationship with Me.
I am come to be thine Shepherd .. directing thine wits into rational faith and
reasonable trusting ways. And upon thee shall come Mine Word of Eternity to
cleanse thine heart and resurrect thine personahood into Freedom.
Of Nebadon