Verily I say to those personalities who art desirous
of eternal Truth .. freedom comes to thee as you fulfill God's Mercy. His Mercy
is Justice and Equanimity.
First ye shall walk in cooperation and collaboration
.. childlike and considerate .. of the Intelligence Circuits .. the Living
Circuits of the Father's Kingdom .. as you become the very attitudes of
ascendancy, and as ye embody the attributes of divinity.
Second ye shall conquer thine ephemerality effects and
those lesser urges and inclinations of mortal values and meanings ..
wholeheartedly and willingly ye shall learn to divine art of delivering thyself
to the Life of God who indwells thee and animates thine every breath and
movement. This achievement is only accomplished as you avail thyselves to
receive of God's Love and Mercy. Always shall you learn to receive a greater
portion of the Infinity of God's Life; for s/he is the very Life you are .. the
very Life you breath .. the very Life which acts in all ways.
Third ye shall work towards thine Second Birth of
Cosmic Citizenship and Universe Immortality. Herein, ye shall become
established as an immortal and ascendant being .. a personalization of the
Cosmic Christ. Immersed in God's Will and Way .. you shall become the Father's
Substance and Consciousness in your microconsciousness as a uniquely qualified
individual of his Divinity Presence in time and space. This is thine graduation
from all births and every lifetime of learning advancement.
These are Mine purpose with thee .. to raise you into
your inheritance; for I am the One who hath responsibility for thee. I am the
One with the powers to elevate and refine thine mortal stature into life
amongst the Immortals.
Mine purpose with thee is pure and simple .. yet it
shall require everything from you in order to advance thyself in this vein of
victory. I am come into your greater view to guide your way into Truth
Everlasting .. to teach thee of the ways of Eternity beyond what humanity
already believes themselves to understand; to quicken thine status as a mortal
personality into this eternalization of all values and meanings and priorities;
for ye are destined to enter into your fondest fulfillment with Me .. your
highest and greatest purpose still hath its destination to unfold in you; and
it is for this express reasoning and priority that I am come back into your
mortal carnal experience so that I shall teach and guide you in My
Michael Of Nebadon