Verily .. I have come into the expression of this human form .. the Formless Eternal Spirit that I AM .. to teach wavering humankind to find their resting place .. and to find solace .. within the awakening of their divinity.
To teach humankind to identify themself with the divinity of their own Life .. and attain to eternal and immortal joy and happiness.
I have come for the individual .. regardless of their religious proclivities or their orientations .. to show, by example .. how men and women may attain righteous values and moral purity; the ways humankind shall become forever free from every distressing obstruction of mortality which inhibits their personality soul from advancing into the destiny of the ages.
I am come to reconcile with thee .. thine erroneous momentums which have weakened you upon the pathways of truth and everlasting justice. give aid and sustenance in order to make the blind to see with the Eye of Spirit. To make the deaf to hear truth .. apart from their domination by the physical senses. To give strengthening vigor to the lame who have given up their faith .. exhausted their hope .. and who seek the inexhaustible charity of the Universal Parenthood of God.
In these demonstrations of God's limitless mercy and abundant joyfulness .. are the new miracles of love which we shall co-express and co-conduct together.
Our Association of Ascendancy shall raise thine hopes and fortify thine aspirations.
Ye may .. finally, and at last .. achieve the perfection from thine mortal rags of ephemeral misqualification unto the Immortal Garment of Everlasting Wholeness .. necessary to enter the Kingdom of Heaven .. requirements in the advancing achievement into the Second Birth.
The Unchangeable and Absolute shall securely establish It's root in thee .. the immutable territory of the universes shall ye find open and accessible wherein bliss and the eternal empowerment of love reign supreme...
Michael Of Nebadon