The mind shall not give you my awakening Impulse .. yet the heart knows and shall offer thee ascendancy and advancement as ye partake of me .. my words .. and as ye come to live as I live and act as I act in my affairs with the Persons of Trinity Endowment.
I come into the flesh to show you how to live in accordance with Truth and Love. To give you an illumination of understanding truth and divine knowledge in the Father's Initiatory Kingdom.
Make not the mistake of listening to my teaching with the carnal mind of logic .. yet in your hearts you must begin to comprehend the meaning.
Always through the ages, I teach you that my one purpose is to reveal my Father in heaven to his children on earth.
I live now the God-revealing bestowal that you might experience thine God-knowing career. I reveal God as your Father in heaven; I have revealed you as the sons and daughters of God on earth.
Truly .. It is a fact that God loves you, his sons and daughters. By walking with Me in the visionary powers of faith in My word this fact becomes an eternal and living truth in your hearts. Our association of ascendancy raises the personality mind into a reciprocal relationship revelation .. a receivership .. and a more advanced understanding of your place within the universes.
When, by living the vision of faith and walking within my ideal, you become divinely God-conscious, you are beginning to become thou .. born of the spirit as children of light and life, even the eternal life begins to reveal itself wherewith ye shall enter into the Kingdom Of ascendancy in the universe of universes.
Ye shall attain to the fulfilling experience of finding God the Father and becoming one with his spirit. Thine evolutionary ascent to Paradise is impelled forward.
I encourage thee .. ever to remember that your working service .. thine mission .. among humankind is to walk within the kingdom of the reality of the fatherhood of God and the truth of the sonship of man.
Proclaim this fact of existence by unearthing your loving heart .. and by sharing your compassionate acceptance with all others. The truth of good cheer shall cause the populace to reach for this endearing relationship which is for each and everyone.
Sonship and daughtership with God, by the willingness of your faith trust vision, is the salvation of every man and woman who determines that they desire wholeheartedly to live the plan of unfoldment .. the law of harmony .. and the will of the Paradise Father. This truth of the Kingdom of his Ascendancy shall forge in you a new creature with eternally ascendant capabilities to service the greater good of our universe.
Go thou forth in practicing the love of God in thine service towards humankind. The world needs most the understanding knowledge of their relationship to the Eternal Persons of Infinity. To know that men and women are the divine children of God, and through faith in the righteous application of their free will can they discover this fact; that they can actually realize and reveal to themselves in their daily experience, this ennobling truth.
My bestowal at this time shall become as a beacon of illumination for all men and women who shall learn to enter into the Father's Initiatory Life .. His Paradise Pattern of Perfection.
I endeavor to help all men to know that they are the children of God, and in such knowledge each child shall arise into their righteousness of character and everlasting consciousness of the nature and identity of God in themselves.
It shall suffice to advance our Cause only as ye personally grasp by your intuitive faith trust this saving truth that ye are the living spirit sons and daughters of the eternal Father.
Our Association Of Ascendancy in the Kingdom of God is primarily concerned with activating in thee .. love for the Universal Father .. and in strengthening the capacity in thee to embody his merciful forgiveness. This is the greatest service of and for his children upon the earth.
Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation