Monday, April 18, 2016

Thine Daily Embrace of Eternity

Thine approach into the Kingdom of the Father's Initiatory Life .. His Consciousness .. and His Existence .. it is through the simplicity of Embracing Eternity.

Day by day .. moment by moment .. you are approaching your life in My way and truth.

You are elevating the powers of your own creativity .. thine inner Impulse shall blossom and expand.

Life will become simpler and without the burden of involuntary negative thoughts and feelings. For thine mind and heart will become cleansed of the vibrations of the world.

Ye shall become His Consciousness expressing as you allow these inner vibratory changes to occur.

Our Ideal brings seekers into their own aspirancy .. and aspirants into our fellowship together .. our discipleship .. through the disciplines of the First Great Center and Source .. the Initiatory Thought in you which is the all .. the authority for your life.

The Initiatory Thought and Life of God in and as You .. this must become developed and brought forth by the individual personality. It will not occur automatically; for it requires the activity of your free will choices and decisions to make His Virtues and Values and Verities .. your
personal Vision.

Ye must amplify Our eternal agenda in you. There is no other way. And for those personalities who rebel and resist .. they are left to grapple .. to struggle and suffer .. on their very own .. until they exhaust their willfulness. 

They are given the free will right and the time and space .. to experience their subjective ways through to its inevitable incompletion.

I come with the Preparatory Act of God the Spirit and His expression as the Universe Mother Spirit Nebadonia.

I come with the Host of Heaven. These are your brothers and sisters ..  some of whom have completed the initial stages of their earthly career and they are choosing to lend a hand to you. To help assist you in your ascent beyond the learnings of fleshly limitation.

"My Father God .. thou Creative Source of my existence and the life that I am .. I perceive You everywhere .. in and as everything. All creatures and beings you hold within the palm of thy Hand.

"I have decided to align myself with you. To cooperate and collaborate with You. To give you my free will by learning to embrace Your existence each day."

Michael Sananda Esu
Michael Of Nebadon

Worldwide Communion with the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Michael

Michael Of Nebadon Retreat

The Michael Of Nebadon Publication Trust

Trinity Endowment Trust of Michael Of Nebadon

Salvington College Trust