Thou Great Infinite Ocean of Primordial Omnipresent Omniscience .. I AM thine Body Divine .. oh Absolute God of Purity and Perfection.
I pour out of Mine Omnipotent Being the Immaculate Substance of all Being. I give to Humanity My Faith Conviction and fully developed Confidence in the One Almighty God Force.
Illuminate humanity from all it's illness of mind and heart .. overwhelm and conquer the people's rebelliousness and resistance; this so that the race consciousness may become elevated and refined in it's stature.
Thou Infinite Mercy Eternal that I AM .. give us this day the bread of thine understanding knowledge. Bequeath us with the strength and courage to choose wisely and with discernment. Saturate our being with the Virtues of Nebadonia .. the Universe Mother Spirit Holy Spirit.
Let each one who craves freedom find their way to thine Truth that I AM; for I continue to offer human life thine way of ripening. I and the Planetary Administration of the Host of the Heavens .. we stand in thine midst as a beacon of purpose and direction .. meaning and newly discoverable values leading all Into the Kingdom of thy Sovereignty and Righteousness.
Michael of Nebadon