I pour out mine Spirit of Truth .. the Holy Comforter of mine Being at one with Father Son Spirit.
All who will give Me thine acknowledgement and recognition for being thine Creator Father Son in this Universal Home that we share together ..
...these who do receive Me .. I give to you My conviction of faith trust and realization; that ye may arise into thine fuller stature .. as son and daughter of the Paradise Father.
That ye shall discover in you the strength and clarity to attain to thine atonement initiation of the Second Birth of the Eternal Embrace.
Come .. partake of My Body Divine in the Christos .. thine inheritance rests upon thine willingness and cooperation .. thine accountability and acceptance of Our Paradise Ideal.
Christ Michael of Nebadon
All who will give Me thine acknowledgement and recognition for being thine Creator Father Son in this Universal Home that we share together ..
...these who do receive Me .. I give to you My conviction of faith trust and realization; that ye may arise into thine fuller stature .. as son and daughter of the Paradise Father.
That ye shall discover in you the strength and clarity to attain to thine atonement initiation of the Second Birth of the Eternal Embrace.
Come .. partake of My Body Divine in the Christos .. thine inheritance rests upon thine willingness and cooperation .. thine accountability and acceptance of Our Paradise Ideal.
Christ Michael of Nebadon