As ye become courageously bold and confront thine own darkness and falsehood. As ye take full accountability for all that ye have set into motion over the centuries of your lifetimes .. and as ye embrace all these things in light of entering into the Father's Kingdom ...
...then are you the return of the Christ. Then, have you fulfilled the spiritual promise of the ages to bring forth the expansion of the One Kingdom of His Consciousness.
Become allegiant unto the Universal Trinity Source by giving to them your agreement to align and transform into the Father's Immaculate Conceiving. No one can accomplish these things in you nor for you. Only each personality soul possesses the authority and right, the power and ability to claim their own inheritance.
I come to show you the divine and righteous way, to demonstrate the nature and character of the Universal Father Son Spirit; to illuminate the avenue of creature approach to the Father of all existence who presides within thee...
I come to guide your way in both My human form and in the Comforter Spirit of Truth which is within you and surrounding you at all times, yet, My Comforter is supremely dependent upon your receptivity .. so I am here to ignite the remembrance of My Comforter in you and My guidance in these ways.
I come to draw down to you .. into your personal consciousness as My disciple .. in Our association together as your brother and friend, the personalization of the Father Son in this universe .. this Water of Life originating at the Hub of all existence .. at the helm of the Eternal Everlasting Son of Paradise.
Yet, all of these endowments offered to you each are supremely dependent upon your free will participation and willingness to progress further in your relationship with Us.
Christ Michael of Nebadon