Be patient in thine working of the law to its fulfillment in you .. and you shall see the glory of God; even so shall it be with all those who remain with me and thus learn to do the will of my Father who is in heaven.
Give all thine obedience to He who is the motivating principle of love within thine mind. Then will my Spirit of Truth renew thine mind into discipleship with thy Father.
Be brave in welcoming back into His fold the errors of thine past qualifications. Be unconditionally loving and accepting of all that I will return to you for this endeavor of love .. to bring freedom and immortality into thine existence .. and to offer to this abiding Spirit of Hope and Glory .. an everlasting comradeship of partnership .. and of mutual love and respect to the Father's Spirit who craves and yearns intensely for you to cooperate with Him in giving birth to this new creature that you shall become.
Our sacred association together is the promise fulfilled by your choice. Through thine moral capacity and thine ethical nature made ready and cooperative to gather all thine forces of goodness .. truthfulness in you .. and the beauty of your desire to share your existence and life with the Spirit of the Paradise Father. . . In this way and through these apparently humble means do you arise into the higher point of view .. and the greater consciousness of knowing the One God who has brought thee into thine existence for these purposes and intents.
Christ Michael of Nebadon