Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Kingdom of God Awaits thine Entrance

It is a challenge proposed to each and every soul ... your values and priorities, are these aligned with your Source?

The attention that you possess is your applied consciousness of creation that you are. The Father Source and Center allows every creature to freely choose what they value as most essential, and how each soul decides to use His ever streaming force of life which is always given freely and continually. As you make constructive use of His Divine Creativity, you are purified and refined, and you are elevated into embodying a greater portion of the Light that all share.

So, in order to truly evolve and progress, you must master your own creative consciousness, your decisions, and your choices .. your priorities and your attentive devotional focus. This mastery begins with full and complete accountability for everything that you have ever set into vibration. Remember, every jot and tittle has your soul's signature upon it, and as you focus your creative consciousness you are in an act of worship. Worship is the creative act of decreeing what you desire to have more of in your life. Worship God in His Immaculate Conception, and your magnetic focus acts as a vibrational beam which tunes you to His Glory.

I share these things with you each in order to help you reverse your downward momentum into the materializing of your life which has occurred for most of humanity over the slow degrading of their understanding and the destructive accumulated momentums of imperfections which have acted as an opposing momentum taking each soul further away from the light of their own life. This has caused the downward vibrational slide whete fear and vicious doubts have set in.

Yet, the reversal into Spirit begins for the individual soul the journey to immortality. The adventure of finding God, fulfilling his law, walking in his will, and graduating from the Earth curriculum of the thousands of lifetimes as a member of this planetary civilization is the singular purpose of my coming; to gather into My fold those souls who are ready and willing to make that next evolutionary leap into Sovereignty .. at one with the Divine Presence.

I .. the Mother Spirit .. and the beloved Host .. do come forth into your view at this time with an invitation to each personality soul to arise from your earthly slumbers, and to take our gentle hand in guidance .. love .. and the fulfillment of all lifetimes in the attaining of the Eternal Embrace of the ages.

I have shared many a time for each to seek the Kingdom of God first and foremost, and all else will be aligned with what you have demanded of yourself. Your thoughts and feelings will begin to vibrate to the light of this One Life that you seek to focus upon first and foremost through thine attention. This very simplicity is the maturing use of your creative free will in expression. It is through this maturation and development that you will prepare yourself to create a field of receptivity out from your human imperfectly vibrating field of density. This field of receptivity acts as a magnetic attraction for the descent of the Cosmic Fire of Creation given to humanity through the Heavenly Host for this planetary sphere and civilization.

In the Eternal Majesty of His Love and Mercy