Saturday, August 3, 2013

Illumination is the Way unto the Father

I have come into the flesh of this earth civilization ...watching...and awaiting thy choice...thy decision to come closer unto Me herein; for I have prepared a place for thee to receive thine own divine Inheritance willed to thee of the Father, yet, ye must create the space within thy soul field...a place of receptivity...that allows thyself to 'eat and drink' of the portion of Light that the Father wills for you to embrace...

I say...come unto Me and drink of My being and ye shall become illuminated unto the Christ thou art...for I shared with those closest to me that all that I accomplished, you too will and actually must accomplish in thy progressive ascent unto the Paradise Trinity in the far distant future.

Yet, for is sufficient to share with you that ye have yet to become birthed into this our local universe until you understand thy own creative force and its right use...

Thy Sovereign Creator Son
Michael of Nebadon
...and ye have called me Jesus of Nazareth in the days of Galilee