Monday, November 5, 2012

Thought becomes things in manifestation

God is the Source of all Thought, Thought is Love, Love is Ether, Ether is Energy, Energy becomes Substance, Substance is Manifestation of everything we see around us. Give all allegiance and honor, all praise and recognition to the Source of us all, and know that you and I...we are each Individualizations of that One Source and Center made in the image and likeness, which refers to the fact that we create and set things into motion in the same way on our microcosmic levels of existence. Yet, there may come a day in the far distant future wherein you find yourself creating a country, a planet, and even greater in exactly this way. Yet for the meantime, you have created and shaped your environment, your personal consciousness, and your destiny by taking up Thought and Feeling, using the Energy of God and bringing into manifestation the circumstances and relationships of your life and world. All is set into motion through God and His Thought.