The Plan of Salvation, the Law of
Redemption, the Spiritual Promise, and the Full and Complete Atonement into
Life Everlasting
Authority, Right, Power, and
Conscious Ability with Invocation, Decree, and your Command into Light
Everlasting through the Power of Thought, Feeling, Spoken Word, and Action
I. Preceding all conscious healing
and realization it is absolutely essential to understand that everything is
merely God in Action. The One God Force is the one and Only Force and
Intelligence, Presence and Power that can act in your world and throughout the
universes. It is the very same One Force acting everywhere at once.
II. Understand that prior to all
healing you must be conscious and aware in thought, feeling, spoken word, and
action that the Great I AM – the omnipresence of God individualized as you, yet
absolutely One with the Whole Ocean of Being – is the only healing power and
III. Preceding all conscious
healing of myself and others, on My part and within my own mind I AM always
conscious that: “I AM the one and only power and healing Presence” and, as that
omnipresent and unlimited omnipotent Presence and Power that I AM, I have the
right, the power, the ability and the authority, to command all outer activity
of the human mind to be silent and obey My command. I AM awake to this
realization in knowing with confidence and deeply held conviction that there is
only One Power and Presence everywhere present – in me, through me, for me, by
me, and as me.
IV. So, when you pray and worship,
and when you invoke your decrees and commands for the Christ Fire Power of Love
to come forth to transfigure all things to your benefit, Know this: you must
speak and feel and command with the authority of consciously knowing that the I
AM Presence, the Supreme Intelligence, Power, and Healing Power is this One God
Force of thyself. It is the one and only Force that you must acknowledge and
recognize as acting, or that could act; and it is a question of your
identification, that is, what you choose to identify with is a great and grand
key to attainment, so, Identify with the One Omnipresent Life Force, its Power
and Intelligence that is the All. Singularly identifying with the One Life
Force adds Power and Conviction, Strength and Deep Realization in your
consciousness, blending your personal consciousness with the One Omnipresent,
Omniscient, and Omnipotent Consciousness of the Whole brings to you all Power
and Attainment.
V. Identifying with God and Him
alone through the very Life Force and Animating Power of thy life while letting
go of your separation stories and tales of attempting to find God who is right
directly the Energy and Power, the Presence and Intelligence that you are using
in every single second of your existence, will make you receptive to grace and
the outpouring of His Perfection that is occurring instantly and constantly for
each Individualization of Him.
VI. The One Intelligence and Life
Force does not cognize time and space; for that is but separation, and
separation is the temporal illusion of change. You are to identify yourself
with and as this Unchanging Truth of all Being; the One Being that is all
beings simultaneously. So, in your commands to this One Force of Life to come
forward and transfigure and heal yourself of all density and darkness, you must
only give recognition and acknowledgement to this One Intelligence acting
everywhere at once and the very same time; Everywhere throughout the universe
and in your particular locale. In this way you will accomplish bringing forth
the Perfection of God into and through your physical world conditions; and this
“precipitation‟ of the Divine Fire or Primordial Fire of Love, Light, and Life needs
to have your conviction and confidence which is faith and trust in It to
respond to you in all power and presence. This is the only way you can receive;
through deeply held acceptance you will experience a new and powerful Force in
your life and acting through your world.
VII. Study these Instructions which
come directly from the Godhead to humanity for their freedom and awakening.
Your application of these divine Instructions honestly, deeply, sincerely, and
persistently will bring forth great „fruit‟. Acknowledge the One Presence, Intelligence, and Power only as
that which is and could act in your life and world, then claim it as your own
in your every thought, feeling, spoken word, and activity throughout your day.
In this way, you will have the sort of attainment that you are striving after.
VIII. It is the only way this
Omnipotent Perfection of Harmony, Healing, and Pure Happiness can be brought
into the outer appearance and the fullness of your use. When and if you
erroneously acknowledge and recognize something other than this One Power and
Intelligence acting in your world (like your own human) you cancel out the
intensity and potency and certainty that would otherwise have taken place when
your full acknowledgment is recognizing the One God Force as the only power and
Presence that is and could ever act in your world. Contemplate this to your
utmost benefit!
IX. Whenever you say „I AM‟, you are
announcing creation to take place because you are the Omnipresent immaculate
Power and Presence Individualized in your particular point of the
universe. All Energy, Intelligence, Power, and Presence that you are using
throughout your day to speak, think, feel, and act is this One Life Force and
Presence; it is the God Force that you are using, and in the claiming of this
omnipotent force and activity, you are consciously setting into motion the
omnipresent substance and energy to come forth and fulfill your I AM command.
X. It is to be understood by you
that we each have this ability to qualify and condition this Energy of God. He
allows it and desires that in our free will choices we qualify His presence
with constructive and light filled manifestations. Anything less than that
essentially tortures the God Force; when destructive qualities are imposed upon
His Presence and Energy.
Esu Kumara Michael
Esu Kumara Michael