Monday, December 31, 2012

The Royal Road unto the Great Central Sun of the Godhead

I AM who I say that I AM. Knowing the Great Law, that all we say and do and feel returns to us, then I say unto you, what I have been sharing with you about who I am and what I have come to give you in terms of understanding and healing for your present lifetime and for your existence is absolute truth. Yet, how will you be able to discern so that you don't miss out on the opportunity I am offering? Call upon the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter and He will guide you unto all truth in every way. I tell you that this pervasive Spirit is My spiritual presence and is the supreme way for you to make contact with Me and develop an ongoing relationship and personal fellowship with Me, Michael of Nebadon.

I prefer that you would read and study what I share with you with an open mind, rather than a mind looking to confirm what you already know. You must at some certain time and space go beyond your own learning in order to embrace the eternal verities of the Universal Father...the Great Central Sun Godhead; for We have designed a royal road by which you can attain supreme sovereignty over all things within your personal life. Sovereignty occurs when you give thy attention and acknowledgment to your own divinity. This divine Presence is everywhere present and It is INDIVIDUALIZED as your own personal divine identity and life. Inviting this presence to come into and through your physical conditions of life will quicken all things unto greater light, love, and life everlasting. It is not so important that you become 'enlightened', but more important that you become receptive. That you prepare a place within your field of consciousness...your field of receptivity...that allows you to grow in understanding. Understanding and application of that understanding is most important. Understanding the Great Law of Existence is understanding how you have been created; your authority, power, rights, and ability to access Trinity Endowment, and to draw down to you the descent of the Sacred Fire Love to transfigure all darkness that you have accumulated over the centuries of lifetimes wherein ye have misused or misqualified or misclothed your own Life Force Energy...conditioning it into self-enslavement, limitation, lack, struggle unnecessarily, and misunderstanding of purpose, meaning, and thy creative abilities to change all things in your life and world into Light and Love.

All the Ascended Immortal Ones have gone the same road towards becoming Sovereign and eternally Free...Immortalized within their existence and personality by merging eternally thy personal self with the Spirit of the Father dwelling within thee. That is what I had taught back in Gethsemane and that is what I am sharing with you here and now in a more modern format. I am trusting that you and the others in the fold of humanity have become tired of the manipulations and deceits of religions that were organized with one express purpose in keep people ignorant and enslaved, to oppress and control their frequencies or vibration so that they would not and never find the Light of God within themselves. Although it is within thee, ye must have the understanding of your relationship with it and how to apply its Omnipotence to your life and world to raise thyself into freedom and immortality. What more can I possible say unto you who are reading my words. Believe what I share with you if you can and your life will become raised daily into a finer more glorious and prosperous destiny that is fit for a son and daughter of the Trinity Source and Center within creation; for ye are His Individualization...His Self Consciousness within creation once you take ownership of thyself and stop looking outside thyself to the world of appearance...the sensory world of the lowest nature within thee. Thy answers to all things are to be found as you raise thyself into the vibratory radiance of thine own Selfhood by acknowledging the part of God that dwells above thee that gives to you in each and every moment Its Life Force, its Stream of Light Everlasting that allows you the Energy , the Power, the Intelligence, the Presence and Consciousness, the Substance, the Will, Strength, and Determination and Devotion to Acknowledge thy connection to Him through thy own Individualization. That Life Presence...I AM one is My life as well as your life. And My life is your life as well...One Life everywhere present yet Individualized uniquely, personally, eternally, immortally, creatively, forever to unfold into greater transmutation of thyself and thy pent up potential. And it is His Law of Existence that allows Mercy to wash away thy mistakes, thy errors, so that you can go forward unto greater destinies of Joy and Fulfillment.

The answers to all appropriate things will come to you as you raise your vibration unto greater intelligence...a higher frequency wherein all things become transparent and visible to you. God has not hidden Himself and His knowledge away secretly. It is merely that humanity has fallen in their frequency vibration so low that they have become blind, deaf, and dumb in their ability to hear, to listen to guidance by knowing with discernment and discrimination truth from falsehood. I am here to show you how to restore thy dignity, thy Self respect as a son and daughter of the Most High, Loving, and Merciful God who desires for all His children to be participating with Him in more and more of His consciousness and prosperity, His eternal and immortally limitless services of creative expression. I told you back in the days where I walked upon the shores of Galilee that ye shall do all these things and still greater things shall ye do. I meant you to understand that I had merely performed just a few of the divine services of His creative power and expression, and that there are untold places to travel to, unending creative fulfillments to embrace, unending love and joy and peace and goodness to embody, galactic and universal beauty that would place your heart and mind into a state of awe and over-flowing, existence changing gratitude unto the Father of all Mercies who has brought forth with His Paradise Sons and Divine Ministers, a creation with bold, raw, significant, pristine purity and majesty. Words cannot convey the magnificence of what I could share with you about these things. Yet, you can begin to glimpse them once you cooperate and apply the Law of Existence and participate within Trinity Endowment.

Thus I say unto thee, find thy heartfelt discernment and go forward in seeking to understand thy creative authority and power, thy right, and thy God given ability to walk within the fullness of more of the Christ Consciousness by recognizing the One Power Only in thy life, and to prepare thyself each day for the greater life everlasting by fulfilling His Law of Existence.Thus, ye shall behold a destiny overflowing with Light, Goodness, Truth, Beauty, personal eternal friendships and divine fellowships, and more and more of the Consciousness of the mystery of God Himself who is thy being and identity.

Call upon Me as the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter and allow Me to guide thy way and build with me a bridge unto thy own freedom by invoking the great I AM of thyself which dwells directly within and above thee in the higher octaves; for ye are just the 'tip of the iceberg' of thine own being. Call forth that greater Self that is unseen yet can be brought forth by the very beam of thy attention and feeling blended as devotion. Build that bridge unto thine own I AM realization and recognize that you are the very tip of something much greater called You.

In the Majesty of His Love
Michael of Nebadon

Sunday, December 30, 2012

The AHA Moment of thy Existence

I have not come to start a new religion or to attract followers. I AM asking for you to go to your own Presence above and within you. To sit at the feet of your own divinity. To invoke and invite that Presence of the Great I AM Omnipresence which is individualized as Your Highest Presence to come forth and wipe away...quicken, and redeem all darkness and density into Light Everlasting!

Thus, is this God's Will in Action by asking and allowing. It is the AHA moment of your existence. ACKNOWLEDGE Him above and within you, Use the Law of Existence and the Descent of the Sacred Fire of Love to create and maintain HARMONY. Be ACCOUNTABLE for everything in your life and world; having set into motion anything and everything that you have taking place for you...all conditions and every circumstance is of your own making through the powers of attention, feeling, thought, spoken word, and action. These are the instruments of thy free will. These instruments shape thy destiny. It is how and why you experience all things today in your personal life and world. As you bring forth your own great I AM - God Individualized as your Highest Self - today, then you are shaping thy destiny of tomorrow unto greater  illumination and understanding, a fuller light-filled existence, more peaceful, joyful, happy, prosperous, and any and all of God's virtues that you choose to allow to enter your world.

As you ask and as you allow the necessary positive changes to occur with your cooperation, you will awaken each new day lighter, freer, and clearer with divine purpose, meaning, strength, and the full determination to become at one with the part of you that is more fully God; the great I AM individualized as your deepest and highest Selfhood.

In the Majesty of His Love
Michael of Nebadon

Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Imbecile and the Fool

The imbecile and the fool fail to understand their own being and the Law of their Life. They do not know where they came from before this life, what they are doing here in this lifetime, what the purpose of life really is, and they have no idea as to where they are headed after this lifetime. The imbecile and fool then proceed to make up their own ideas about these things and then live out their opinions and beliefs as if they were really true and accurate. They proceed along their self-chosen blindness and the pretensions of their little human selfhood thinking that they are the doer and that the world of appearance is something to live within, and to attempt to grab whatever they can from the outer appearance of tinsel never realizing that it is merely a mirage that they are trying to grab at in a quiet desperation that maybe they are missing out on accumulating things to help conjure up any kind of temporal identity, attempting to possess an understanding of themselves through their position in the world, success in terms of money and things, placement in society through the roles they seek to play out and the jobs and careers they use all their energies to attain, and its 'bastardized' version of what is real and true and everlasting, without ever having or even finding the inner impulse to possess themselves, to claim their true and everlasting identity and nature, to walk within the purity of their own God being which had been providing for them all the Energy and Intelligence, the Life Power and motivation, the ability to breathe and have existence, to walk and talk, to think and act, to feel and to seek what is real when they have exhausted themselves of seeking through the sensory outer appearances and the lowest nature of the human being. They are possessed by all sorts of outer worldly things, groups, ideas, cults, religious organizations, educamations, which merely reflect back to them what they already think they know to be true while rejecting anything other than what they themselves have determined to be truth and purpose and meaning. Caught and asleep within a cocoon of self-preservation and psychological survival.

When they get to the end of their self-proposed, self-guided journey through and in illusion and other transient temporal happenings and events, they realize the folly of their choices, their acts, and their decisions, because the outer worldly things and roles, positions of career and 'climbing the ladder of success' never, ever give them anything more than a headache and a sense of failure deep down inside; that somehow they have missed the point of living and life and yet they have used up their youth and energy on insignificant pursuits and it is too late to try again in this lifetime. They are the walking dead, just waiting to die and go somewhere else...anywhere else from here wherein they have not been able to gain any level of happiness and inner such connection to anything real and true and lasting.

The imbecile and fool claw their way through and around others to get ahead of the others. All man-made concoctions and false potions of erroneous thinking and feeling and attitudes in believing that whatever they think or feel must be true because they thought it or felt it. They are blind to truth, deaf to receive truth, and they cannot speak out of their mouths anything but the current culture and its falsehoods of all kinds, the ignorant and undisciplined ideas that they have taken on from other ignorant souls who have yet to truly understand the Life force of God and His Law of Existence. The imbeciles and fools are blind to themselves never really penetrating their own depths of intelligence and consciousness and so, they see their own darkness and polarized extremes outside of themselves in others only, refusing to lay claim to their own error and creative momentum which has created each and every circumstance for them in their life. They have lived thousands of lifetimes all conducting themselves in much the exact same way, attempting worldly success of only money seeking and object collecting...essentially the dust of the earth, the crumbs of existence which putrefy right in their hands as they clutch at holding onto what they consider to be the gems of existence and life that they have been 'lucky' to obtain. They are ignorant in understanding that the circumstances and people they have attracted into their environment are of their own producing and are an exact, a precise mirror, of their own inner faults, misqualified energies, and misunderstandings and self judgments and misguided foolish perceptions created by they themselves through the misuse of the Law of Existence...the Law of their own Life Force Intelligence. They end up sadly projecting their darkness, ignorance, and foolishness outwards onto others and the civilization without ever having it occur to them that it is their own creation which they themselves have set into motion through the instruments of their thought, feelings, and spoken word and actions. They do not seem to understand that God has provided a direct and most powerful Mercy for each to correct their mistakes and come upwards closer to His Glory and the Majesty of His Love. At the end of their lifetime they sadly have missed the opportunities given to them by the Mercy of God to make these corrections and to actualize their inherent potential and divine nature as a son and daughter of the Almighty God.

They would claim that God doesn't exist because of the darkness and violence which humanity has set into motion 'out there'... human made effects in the misuse of the Life Force which God allows; for after all, there is no such thing as death, and so, how can the soul personality learn and grow and evolve unto something greater without making an endless amount of mistakes and misqualifying their own Pristine Life Force Energy in their journey within time and space. The imbecile and the fool believe that God is a grey haired man who exists on a cloud somewhere outside of the creation and above it having nothing to do with creation itself. The imbecile might even have the audacity and arrogance, the stupidity and dumbness to lay claim to all the good that has ever occurred for them while blaming all the bad on others or on God Himself, who is the Source and Center for all Goodness, all Truth, and all Beauty everywhere in creation.

We live, and we move, and we have our entire being in Him; for He is the Energy, Substance, Intelligence, Love, Mercy, and such that we are using in every moment of our existence. We are merely learning to become co-creators with His Energy Presence which is our own Energy Presence extended to us from directly above each person. The "I AM" Principle and Intelligence exists above each person and Its Great Stream of Eternal Life is given...extended downwards to each personality soul and is anchored within the heart and pervading the mind and feelings and body. All is made of this Great Electronic Light and Life, and the calling forth of Its Love brings about permanent renewal, restoration, and redemption. This Great Stream of Life is our Identity and Nature. It is what we are as an Individualization of the One Supreme God who is Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent, and yet, Individualized Himself. Learning to draw upon Him through thine own I AM Principle above you is the key once you are finished with your own mistaken and preconceived opinions about Truth and God...human made religious interpretations that are looking to human ignorant authorities and retarded religious leaders of the worldly type who go to school to get their degrees and think that they understand Life and God for all.

Learning from others is fine, yet ye must look to thine own Great I AM within and above you; wherein our primary duty is to our own Source and Center just above us; for It is thy Life and Existence and is the part of thyself that you will one day return unto in the transfiguration, resurrection, and ascension into Light...when you have brought balance and harmony to all thy past creative momentums and so-called karmas or tendencies.

The Master Soul claims all is within themselves, and works out their own darkness and ignorance through the understanding and right application of the Law of Existence, the divine techniques of the Descent of Sacred Fire Love from the higher octaves of the Ascended Ones of Pure Light, and the daily giving of themselves to the Divine Circuits of Trinity Endowment which have been given to humanity for their freedom and immortality. 

All is a gift and blessing in disguise, once we know how to unwrap our Presence. I have come forth for those ready to learn and grow, a sincere willingness to understand the Laws of their own Life, and who hold a God given desire to serve humanity and the greater universe. I offer My help to those students who are wise enough to perceive that I AM yet the greater consciousness of themselves who has come forth once again to help the aspirant in applying these Laws to their own Life Mastery of their "I AM" Principle.

To those souls who seek Truth, Love, and wish to gain the greater wisdom of their own existence, I pray godspeed unto thee and thy reunion with thy source of life above thee.

In the Majesty of His Love
I AM Michael of Nebadon

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Restore, Redeem, Regenerate thy Destiny unto Light

There is only one way to have freedom, and that is through obedience to the Law of Existence. That Law is personalized as thy highest Presence. With determination, give thy all to cooperate with the great I AM above thee. Allow it to expand its Perfection through all of thy field.

Give not thy attention overly to transient things that are as dead works in thy life. Love thy Source that is the Presence above thee. Preserve the Illuminated Force of Life moving through thy physical life. Hence, it will naturally quicken all thy Substance into purity and perfection.

In the Majesty of Love
Michael of Nebadon

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Invisioning Perfection for Thyself

Ye must invision thy own Perfection before it is able to occur for you in the flesh. Understanding the law of existence and how to fulfill this great Law of Life gives one the ability to invision perfection. Perceive the Light of the Universe dwelling right directly within thee as thy animating power and identity. Learn with me of the descent of the Cosmic Sacred Fire to draw down to you the energies of the Divine which transfigure and will quicken thy field of receptivity into light. This is the very next step for you as human beings evolving through the cycles of birth and rebirth, cause and effect, and creature immaturity and ignorance regarding universal spiritual matters of life beyond the womb of this Mother planet.

As I have shared with you over time, ye must place thy attention upon reality...truth...the unchanging aught of existence. Therein ye shall discover unchanging perfection which is as a link unto greater things...carrying thy life and existence beyond the confines of the fetus state of being. Thy attention combined with deep feeling...intense feeling, passionate feeling produces and generates vibration...feeling is the expression of the Life force of Existence moving through thy human being. Feeling and emotion move that energy of the divine force of Life in and through the creation. Certainly ye can understand that emotion and feeling is energy in motion...e-motion...and it is only through thy focused thought and understanding, thy attention and its creative attributes, and the gem of thy feelings and emotions once purified...that ye can raise thyself into light everlasting. I cannot do it for you, although I stand with you, feed you through the Father's elixir of Love, and guide your way through the Spirit of Truth...My own personal spiritual presence...which pervades thy being with the Father's Spark of reality within thee.

Thy free will is given to you to create whatsoever you desire. Create destructively and ye reap what you have sown...create constructively, and you will rise upwards on the wings of the angels through thy natural powers of adoration of the One God Principle, and determination to become perfected...even as the great "I AM" Principle is Perfected as pure Light and Love and Life Everlasting. Feeling makes it so through its combined placement into your attention and vision of what you decide you want. I recommend you place thy attention upon Reality and quicken thy existence into Light.

Feel deeply thy desire to become participating with the rest of the universe instead of being cribbed in by the state of being a fetus not yet birthed unto the greater Life and reality. Feel deeply thy love for the Source of life and existence. Feel deeply your desire to experience love and mercy and compassion and forgiveness for all that ye have ever generated error in thy past. Thought attention and vision is the blueprint and the direction of thy creative power, setting into motion energies and a greater destiny for thyself. Thy power of qualification is your ability and authority to condition thy life force energies unto certain qualities that you hold valuable and dear in thy heart. Thus have you become what you are today through this very powerful process of creation which you hold as a scepter of power within thy grasp; vision, attention, and qualification blended with greater care and the divine balance of Love, Wisdom, and Power of your Spirit. In this way ye shall quicken all things of thyself...all energies throughout all lifetimes unto the perfection of the seamless garment of eternal light...the very next stage of evolution and growth actualization for human beings who have found God through their own faith and trust, and the willingness to learn and go beyond their own accumulated momentums of preconceived opinions and ideas which have held them in certain limitation and lack.

Ask and ye shall receive. Knock and it shall be opened unto thee. Open thyself to learning the greater way that thousands going before you over the centuries have accomplished and taken their life and existence into the Pristine and Indestructive Purity of the Majesty of His Love and Light.

May you find Peace and Joy in the words that I have shared with you at this time. It remains for you each to apply these principles unto thy freedom and immortality.

In the Majesty of His Love
Michael of Nebadon

For further free writings on the Teachings of Trinity Endowment:

Thursday, December 20, 2012

When thine Eye be Single, thy Whole body shall be of Light...

The light of the body is the eye; if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness...

...for I reveal to you now that the darkness is merely the Light lowered in its vibratory radiance; and he that draws down through him/herself into the physical conditions of their world the Fire of Love, will change all darkness back into the pristine glory of Light Everlasting. Let him which hears, go beyond their preconceived opinions about life, and embrace these understandings which I give unto you all once again.

On Saint Germain and the Violet Flame

Many of you have written me asking if I stand with Saint Germain..I tell you this, Saint Germain is Victory embodied. I stand with him in every way possible; for He is the Avatar and Teacher for humanity for the next two Millennial.  The Celestial Host and myself will continue to do all that we can to support the foundation that will catapult Him into the human arena, so that humanity accepts Him and allows for Him to guide their way into greater Light and Love...and the initiation unto full completion of the evolutionary journey of the Earth through the quickening of all one's qualified substance and vibration into Light.

As far as the Violet is an activity of the Sacred Fire of  Trinity Endowment given to humanity for their redemption into Light. The Violet Fire is the Mercy Flame stepped down from the Infinite Mother Spirit...the Personalization in this local universe of the Infinite spirit in Paradise. each day as you invoke your Authority to draw down to thyself this Flame of Mercy, Compassion, and Forgiveness, your invocations are injected into the collective consciousness of humanity making it ever easier for those who are searching for forgiveness to access this Fire of the Cosmic Beings who embody and direct this qualified fire energy.

Invitation and Decree for the Violet Flame and the activity which Saint Germain directs into the fold of humanity. Invite this Fire energy of transfiguration to saturate your field of receptivity. breathe it in, Invision it as Violet, Blue, and Pink in coloration. Feel it deeply through thy breathing. It is the Primordial Fire which is a manifestation of the Eternal Word and Infinite Spirit...Omnipresent and Directed by the Immortal Ascended Master, Saint Germain.

"I AM pure Violet Fire, Mercy Flame,
Sacred Fire of Forgiveness."

The Melting Away of Extremes of Pleasure and Pain

My Tweets in regards to December 21st, 2012, and afterwards…

The extremes of pleasure and pain will be melting into an immediacy; so that, if you seek to solve your problems through the pleasure of the senses and its outer world of appearance, you will immediately experience pain. Time is collapsing a bit in the third dimensional density as we make our collective journey beyond 3D into the higher frequencies of 4D and then 5D.

The collective humanity...our thoughts and feelings and subconscious understandings and attitudes have been reaching for pleasure in order to offset the pain we experience. This will be ending and what will re-emerge is a facility for being able to transcend flipping back and forth between pleasure and pain. Pleasure will no longer work to distract us from the experience of pain. And pain will no longer be pleasurable.

So, what you experience to be pleasureful will actually become painful for you. And what you experience as that masochistic and sadistic pleasureful state of being in pain and inflict pain on thyself and others, will evolve rapidly into simply the immediate experience of pain for thyself and for others...immediately.

Pleasure of the senses and the outer appearance world will be painful, and pain will no longer be pleasurable. The Immaculate Perception and the technologies of Spiritual law will override this flipping back and forth ad transcendence will occur for those who are able to transcend this deeply ingrained consciousness of duality an polar opposite extremes.

Polarized viewpoints will fade away at this time. For and against will blend together, rich and poor, black and white, all will be quickened into Light; and a kind of universality for the Race of humanity.

What will be collapsing are the extremes and polar opposites, the disintegrations, the separations; thus, union, integration, balance...!

Civilization is going through an initiation in the use of the Life Force; descent of the Cosmic Christ Sacred Fire Love is underway for all. each must bring balance and harmony to their momentums of energy. Their accumulations must be accounted for. Each must learn of the Law of Existence and how to apply this great Law to their own life and existence.

What will be collapsing are the extremes and polar opposites, the disintegrations, the separations; thus, union, integration, balance...! The separation between spirit and matter will come to an end in terms of the perception of differences...a renewed perception of similarities will emerge.

Humans are in a fetus state of their existence which will be taking a quantum leap forward through the renewal of divine energies from the Source and Center moving through this part of the creation...

We who exist in the higher octaves within this universe have been guiding you and moving this local universe into position so that we can maximize the opportunities to engage with and embrace the new frequency of Love, Light, and greater Life Everlasting for all who have the receptivity and the biochemical alignments with which to receive the restoration and renewal...

The major redemption of life throughout our local universe has been occurring and this is a great part of its expansion into a higher frequency of light...

Now, the duality of polar opposites and extremes will begin to melt away in favor of greater blending and merging; union and integration...

Again I say unto you...Own thyself or ye shall be owned! Claim thy divinity or else ye shall be claimed for another's agenda...

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Invocation and Command of Light for the World

Invocation and Command of Light Eternal to Illuminate the Earth and the Race of Humanity: Great and All-Mighty I AM pouring out upon NYC, Washington DC, City of London, and Vatican City thy Omnipotent Sacred Fire Love; Mercy Flame of the Eternal Mother Son of Paradise...bring forth thy Glory and thy Sacred Fire Love upon those who are misaligned with thy Will...

Join me and focus the omnipotent beam of thy individualized attention upon flooding these cities above with the radiant glory of God. Know that together...each of us Supreme Individualizations of the One God...we will take back this planet and create a new trajectory into Light everlasting. Only Together when the collective humanity craves and asks for this change into Love, Light, and abundant Life for everyone, will worldwide change take place...

May all peace and the Glory of God Himself fill thy personal consciousness in all ways...unto the Universal Consciousness of us all.

Join Me on Twitter: Michael of Nebadon on Twitter

Michael of Nebadon
aka Esu Kumara Michael

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Immaculate Conception

When we refer to the Immaculate Conception, that is not about my birth back then. It is about becoming born again into the Pure and Pristine realization and consciousness of the Father; birthing into the Immaculate Perception and Immaculate Reception of Pure Consciousness. And for that to occur, ye must give thyself totally and completely to the Life Force or Spiritual Force of Life of the great "I AM"...the Atmic Principle...the Primordial Principle of Love and Mercy which pervades everywhere and everything, and indwells everyone until they birth it forth...bringing it forward into and through their own outer consciousness...outer that even the physical body vibrates to that purity. Thus, ye have true sovereignty by becoming unified or at one with the indwelling Father Spirit from Paradise...a kind of impersonal and infinitely intelligent Spark which is given to human beings so that they may expand this spark into a fuller flame before fusing together with it as One immortal being. You as a human personality soul are akin to being the bride and the bridegroom is this Paradise Spirit. You are destined and become One sovereign immortal being of Light and greater Life. It is for this reason that I have come once again to guide you in this process. Yet, you must allow me the honor of helping you. This Paradise Spirit craves to become One with the personality soul of the human being, and the human should or could crave to share and become perfectly one with this indwelling gift of the Father's Immaculate Presence. Thus, ye will dwell in an Immaculate Conception or Immaculate Perception of Reality...the real and ye will outgrow the unreal, the temporary, the naught, the transient, the senses and outer world of sensory appearances which have held thee for lifetimes.

All that I attained and modeled back then was not to clear away or die for your sins, but to show you the way to evolve unto the very next stage of actualization as creatures of time and space. And I have come once again into the octave of the human as I have promised, to remind you of your relationship with me and with the Eternal Father, the Everlasting Son, and the Infinite Spirit, and show you how to make use of their Trinity Endowment and the Law of existence in order to evolve unto freedom and a personal immortality; for this is a necessary stage of your existence that must eventually be attained by you. It is not an option, but you must bring balance to all your past momentums of energy use returning all back into purity and light everlasting. It is for this express purpose that I have returned to show you the way unto Light and a life more abundant, even as ye walk within the flesh of the earth world. 

When my mission herein is complete, I shall once again become transfigured unto the resurrection, and ascension into fuller Light; for this process is well underway for me at this time, and the planet Earth is also chosen to return itself and all life upon Her  unto pure Light and the greater Life. As I have shared with you...only the meek will inherit the earth. All else will be removed who cannot or will not redeem their existence back into Light. This, ye must accomplish for thyself by understanding the Purpose of human life and abiding in His Word...the Primordial Flame of Love and Mercy which must become expanded from thy heart outward to encompass all thy energy field. You must learn of the descent of the Cosmic Sacred Fire of Love to transfigure all darkness into light. Thus, ye will be weaving a garment...a seamless garment of everlasting Life out of the darkness and imperfection of thy human limited selfhood...personality and all will come with you in this journey and transformation that I speak to you of. Thereby, establishing Life Everlasting for thyself....a living body of pure Light energy to enter this local universe out from the fetus state and womb of the Mother Earth.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Trinity Endowment and the Divine Circuits of Nebadon

Make use of Trinity Endowment to build thy relationship and realization with God, the One Life Force everywhere present. He has designed and given you a Living Circuit by which ye may climb the ladder of attainment unto His glory. With contriteness of heart and humility to learn and grow and accept thy errors or misqualified energies that must be redeemed and restored back unto Pure Light, there is nothing to stop you from advancing within thy existence. I and the Mother Spirit have given unto each soul a way to develop thyself in soul and spirit, and to purify thy moral character by holding in the privacy of your mind only truthful thoughts and feelings. Be clear in thy relationship with all others knowing that they are, by fact, thy brother and sister within creation. All are a part of the one family of the Almighty God.

Seek to develop within thyself a few absolutely essential ingredients in your journey unto greater actualization. In this way you will be honoring the Infinite Mother Spirit of Nebadon, our local universal Divine Minister and Universe Mother Spirit to all created life. These would be qualities within thy person giving you a greater possibility of advancement and spirit attainment. These are the Mind Spirit Assistants of the Universe Spirit; the third part of Trinity Endowment and the Circuits of Attainment in Nebadon our universe. Only by deepening thy unfoldment of the dormant divine nature can one advance along the byways of their existence. These mind spirit are essential in thy development and growth. By contemplating and allowing these Spirit helpers to come into your life and inviting their wayshower, the Universe Mother Spirit can assist you. Make thyself available to be God taught directly by the Infinite Mother Spirit through Her adjutants or helpers of your mind.

"The seven adjutant mind-spirits are the creation of the Divine Minister of a local universe. These mind-spirits are similar in character but diverse in power, and all partake alike of the nature of the Universe Spirit, although they are hardly regarded as personalities apart from their Mother Creator. The seven adjutants have been given the following names: the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of worship, the spirit of counsel, the spirit of knowledge, the spirit of courage, the spirit of understanding, the spirit of intuition — of quick perception."

Excerpt courtesy of the Fifth Epochal Revelation of the Urantia Book. To continue reading within this site, please go to Trinity Endowment and the Divine Circuits of Nebadon

Divine Purpose and His Plan for each Son and Daughter

All religions are tributaries leading the aspirant of God unto greater Truth, fuller Beauty, and unending  Goodness only if the student sincerely seeks Truth in every way and on every level of their own being; not a truth merely outside of their own being, but the realization, recognition, and acknowledgement that they are in every way possible Sons and Daughters of the Eternal Almighty Source and Center. It is necessary though to make this divine potential and inherent nature and supreme identity a living reality in their life, not merely an idea that is held as a sacred belief, but to be in perpetual communion with the unchanging divine Force of the Eternal Father's Presence within themselves so that they discover the strength, determination, conviction, and confidence...the faith and trust in God which gives them the inspiration to become determined to make the effort to fulfill the Law of their Existence by redeeming their 'sin' or error and then standing taller in their own Self-actualized divinity within their personal consciousness as they unfold into a more universal consciousness which embraces everyone and everything as being equal and at one with themselves; allowing God to take up residence and hold His dominion in their physical body, mental, emotional, etheric, and soul bodies is the only way by which mankind can establish true and lasting Harmony, Happiness, and complete Healing.

I have come forth once again in synchronicity, union, and full cooperation with the Immortal Heavenly Host to give to human beings the way, the truth, and the life everlasting; for thy inheritance awaits your claim...and I hold this inheritance of yours in safe keeping until that day that you choose and willingly decide to live the Will of God and make Him a living reality in your life and existence. Only this shall lead thee unto the seamless garment of eternal Life everlasting...immortality.

Write to me and I will personally send you a copy of In the Spirit of Truth.

Invoke, Invite, and Identify with the God Force...the "I AM"... which Indwells thy Heart and Mind

The "I AM" Principle is the fundamental basis of all things. The "I AM" is the Force of God spread out throughout creation and also existing at the very Godhead of all creation. The God Force is everywhere, yet, He respects your free will choice to invite Him into and through thy life and physical conditions. Ye must invite Him into your life by asking for the flame of Life at your own heart area to expand and take Its dominion over all Substance and Energy. In this way, ye shall change the vibration of your personal energy from limitation and darkness into a more unlimited freedom that if continued leads to personal immortality for you. This is what I have shared throughout my ministry over the centuries. Expand thy Flame of Life, cooperate with that Flame, offer up thy darkness to become redeemed by the force of Love, and saturate thy personal world with God's Immaculate Light and Life.

Ye must invite Him in through the power of thy attention - where you place your focused attention throughout the day is where ye will have the most growth of energy and the greatest qualification of that Energy, which is thy Life Itself. Placing thy thought and feelings upon the imperfect destructive conditions around through the media, for instance, you will bring forth the fruit of imperfection and a lowered vibratory force field for you that will end in disintegration rather than integration into Light and Love and greater Life everlasting. Only you have the choice as to what you value most and therein to place your attentive focus upon what you value most. Focusing thy thoughts and feelings and the beam of thy attention upon the Force of the Animating Power within is an investment of your energy and time unto Eternal Perfection and the Glory of God. Your vibration will naturally become quickened and raised into Light Everlasting over time and space. It is the single most powerful and valuable thing that you can give to God and to thyself. This is the living of His Will. When you become tired of focusing upon the outer sensory appearance world of change and imperfection because you realize that you can't receive much happiness from the outer world of never-ending change, then you'll begin the journey of inverting thy attention and focus...turning your thoughts and feeling to the Unchanging Life Force that gives you all Life and is thy Life in God Himself. This Indwelling Unchanging Flame of the God Force is Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent. He is imminently present closest to you anchored at your heart and is the animating power giving you breath and existence.

Invoke His Presence and acknowledge Him in all things that you do during the day. Invite and command Him to enter your world and change all things to His Love and Light. Identify with Him in thy thoughts and self-perceptions of who you are as a creature and human being. God is thy identity, thy true name, and thy nature. You are made of Him in every way. This is the Atmic Principle...the Primordial Principle of Life that is the fundamental basis of all reality everywhere at the very same time throughout creation. In this way, all are equal and all are made of Him; for we live and move, and have our being in Him. All is made of His Substance and Energy...expressing in you, through you, by you, for you, and as you.

Invocation: "Infinite Life Force everywhere present, I give all my human attention to you. I trust in you to lead me to the flowering of our divine plan. I recognize and honor you and I am willing to redeem all things back into pure Light."

Invitation: "Cosmic Flame of Love I AM, thou Omnipotent One God, expand thy Glory and Perfection in me, through me, for me, and by me. May thy Will be attained in my life."

Identification: Have the faith to know that you are a living part of the Omnipresence of God Himself. recognize and acknowledge Him, in you, as your bigger, greater Selfhood. Give all thoughts, feelings, spoken words, and actions alignment with this recognition, and soon ye shall become realized through this living power of thy human faculties to tun thy attention to the one Life force everywhere and right directly within your deepest Selfhood.

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Eternal Son of Paradise and His Mercy Flame

Come to our monthly gatherings to learn of the guidance of the Holy Comforter Spirit of Truth in your life, and the Mercy Flame of the Eternal Son of Paradise which comes unto humanity through the Immortal Ascended Host of Light...
Excerpt from Sovrnty Temple and Retreat website

For a free copy of In the Spirit of Truth e-book, please write to us at Michael of Nebadon

Sovrnty Temple and Retreat

At Sovrnty, I show you the way to become fully sovereign within thyself through concentration upon the Flame of Life within thy heart. The ownership of thy attention and concentration . . .

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Now are Ye the Sons and Daughters of God

Ye are the sons and daughters of God and ye must make this a fact of your direct experience. Only each can do this for themselves. The Flame of Life Everlasting given to each lifestream by the Universal Father Himself...a living part of Himself....and residing at the heart a sun presence which is surrounded by the divine substance of eternal light. When it is allowed to expand through the beam of thy attention and free will choice, and when you invite the descent of the Cosmic Sacred Fire Love to come forth into your life and world to transfigure all things...all outer conditions...then the Greater Perfection of the body takes place in exactly the very same way it did for me back then in my ministry in the Middle East. This is the personal demonstration of thy mastery over energy, substance, and vibration by bringing all that you have ever set forth into vibration unto the Transfigurative Flame of Life. It is God's Mercy Flame which allows this to take place.

Through the Flame of Transfiguration, each must bring to birth the human 'fetus' form unto the true divine form of Living Light...the seamless garment of eternal life...their personal actualization unto immortality. And this is for all to attain with the heavenly help of the Immortal Host. This is and always was the message of my ministry over time to the race civilization, to model the very next stages of evolutionary growth and actualization so that all would go forward in their own personal journey unto Light Everlasting. It is thy destiny as evolutionary time-space creatures that you evolve thyselves with My help and guidance into the Sons and Daughters that ye are meant to become in fuller actualization. That is merely the very next stage in thy development as a race and civilization; for there are a virtual endless gradations of evolutionary growth that must be attained before ye are deemed  prepared and worthy to stand in the Omnipotent radiation, Presence, and Person of the Universal Father, the Person of the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Person of the Spirit.

The Trinity Endowment is the Illuminating Circuit that you must travel upon to take you into these very next stages of growth. Thus it is thy destiny to become an eternal being, immortal beyond the cycles of birth and death that you have been journeying through within the Earth Herself; for the Earth will be going up into fuller Light and thus, only the meek will inherit the Earth after this shift by Blessed Virgo, Mother Earth.

For a free copy of The Spiritual Promise of Life Everlasting, email us at: Sovereign Son

Divine Purpose and Illumination

I share with you as thy elder brother having come from the Center and Source of all Lifestreams right before entering into this temporal garment of the earth. There is divine purpose to life which when understood by you will bring back all meaning and fulfillment. You will feel a fire of renewed determination to attain; as a fire of love and mercy will become ignited in you through your own Unfed Flame of the Universal Father which dwells right directly at your own heart. This very Power and Presence is the Animating Force of Life itself that gives all breath, the energy to think and feel, walk and talk, offering you the energy in feeling moved to adore and place love upon your own Life Principle; for I AM one with this Principle of Life Everlasting that as you give your attention to it, He will expand and grow within you into a fuller Flame that transfigures all darkness...

It is His intent and purpose of Will to have each individualization of Himself to grow into fuller actualization of their inherent potentials as a son and daughter; to illuminate the darkness and the density of human consciousness unto the everlasting light...the I AM of thyself.

Write to me for a free copy of  IN THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH.

Monday, December 10, 2012

I AM Sovereign Michael of this Universe of Ours

I AM here in the flesh garment for a time to help guide those with the ears to hears and the mind receptive to perceive Me. At the end of this service round I will go into my own personal resurrection and ascension back into the fuller glory of the Father; at one with the Supreme God of the Universes, yet, for a time, I have come to teach you of the true way of attainment. By attainment, I refer to how you can evolve yourself beyond where you exist within the flesh going back and forth from birth to death and then returning once again into this limited life expression unto the greater life and the attainment of your own resurrection and ascension into fuller Light and Life. This was and still is my message to humanity. It was exactly what I had taught back over two millenia ago in the land you now know as Israel. When I said I and the Father are One I referred to becoming one with the flame of Life within my heart which connected me to all things. I came then, to model and guide the process of becoming greater and I have returned once again in this simple way to help show you the way through enhancing thy understanding of the eternal truths that I had shared then and wish for you now to begin to embrace and apply to your existence. It concerns the Law of Existence, and you are each a very significant individualization of Existence.

So again I say unto thee, come unto Me within thy heart and mind all those who are burdened by distress and confusion, and I will light thy lamp...thy understanding to help you embrace eternity in a much greater way by applying the Great Creative Law of Life beginning with your attention placed upon your very own Flame of Life right at your heart. This attention upon your Heart Flame allows the Life Force that is within the Flame to expand naturally throughout your field of energy raising you up unto greater levels of vibration, annihilating the darkness or densities that you have held within your field of receptivity...your personal consciousness. By your attention you worship, and by your worship, that is, wherever you place the beam of Intelligence which is your attention, you are commanding and allowing creation to take place for you. Creation occurs for you as you accept what you allow into your attention and make real by that focus. This coagulates the electronic force to come together and integrate Itself into your field of life, whether it be constructive or destructive is up to you in qualifying this God force Energy of the Eternal Father. Placing it upon the Perfection of that Flame of Life in your heart area brings forth more and more of His Perfection for you. It transfigures your own darkness into Light; by darkness I refer to those areas of your energy that are still vibrating much too low for you to feel joy and bliss, clarity and unity, and to become at one with the 'Christos' within... the Flame of Life at your heart. That Christos is all intelligence, love, and power given to you by the Universal First Cause. It connects you unto the Supreme Presence of thyself which sits above you and is a greater part of you.

So, for a time I will walk with you who are studying My words herein. Write to me and I will have sent to you a few offerings for you to study and explore. I extend unto you now the force of Love from My own Truth Spirit...Holy Comforter Presence. Ask Him to give to you His blessing and to help you in understanding the words I have shared with you. I love you each beyond words for you are the very Life Principle Itself in human expression, and it is a great time to begin to go further in your personal development and spiritual relationship to Me and to the Paradise Trinity through Trinity Endowment and the application of the Descent of the Cosmic Sacred Fire into your life and personal world. My small book that I've had prepared will help you to partake of the Existence that I AM; for ye can and will become all that I AM and ye can serve in greater and greater ways upon your practical application of these principles of the Great Creative Law of the "I AM" which has been applied by every single Immortal Being that has ever walked within the 'field' or 'octave' of the Earth. The "I AM" is the very Life Intelligence everywhere present that all are an integral part of.

I bid you all Peace and Utmost Joy at this time and always. Remember, that you are the very Force of Life Itself in expression...and you are learning to claim thy inheritance in and of that truth for thyself; for it is thine own destiny that you become Sovereign in your right domain upon obedience and understanding of the Divine Plan of the ages.

Write to me for a free copy of In the Spirit of Truth

My Spiritual Presence of Truth as your Guide

The Universal Father has bestowed a fragment of Himself within you, surrounding you, and interpenetrating you, and as you acknowledge this gift of your life it will expand and grow in your awareness. You can command with confidence and conviction for this Flame of Paradise to fill all of your atomic structure of your energy...that would be filling your consciousness...your soul and personality...your personal existence...with Him; and only good can come with that decision, choice, and use of your free will to allow Him...the Father's Spark of Himself to simply grow and expand in you. He will change all human error and mistakes within you into His Perfection.

You can reach for the all-pervading Holy Comforter to lead you into all Truth...truth in every way and on every level of your consciousness. This Comforter Spirit is very powerfully the conviction and confidence of Truth, so He has the power to increase your faith and trust and surrender unto Truth...the Truth that is the Flame of Paradise ~ the Father's Presence. In this way, you are also developing an eternal fellowship with Me by deepening a relationship with the Comforter Spirit who is the teacher of all human beings. This is my personal spiritual presence. I am also known throughout  the universes as one who is a member of the Order of Michael, so you can also call to me as Michael...the Universe Michael, Sovereign Son, or Christ Michael if you prefer. This Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter guides, inspires and teaches the Eternal Verities...the Eternal Truths...the One Eternal Truth if you will, that is your nature and identity. If you use your free will to seek to become more alike unto the Father of the Universes, you'll find yourself embodying more and more love and mercy.

Call upon the Holy Comforter and ask Him to guide you and teach you of the real truth...and the unchanging Truth of the Father's Presence that is your nature and identity as the One Life Force of the Universes. Become at one in your conscious awareness of a bit of the Father and the influence of the Son. And, of course, if you ask for the Infinite Spirit Mother or Holy Spirit, you'll discover that She is the all-pervading Spirit of the Universe...the Universe Spirit....that seeks to teach, heal, guide, and raise all life unto the Father.

Thus, you each have Trinity Endowment given to the universes in order to raise and quicken all life unto the Perfection of the very Source and Center of all Life; for the pattern of Paradise is intended to be the guiding principle and pattern out of which all of creation must someday model and become...

Identify and realize yourself within the Father; give yourself to the teaching and guidance and inspiration and conviction of the Son through the Spirit of Truth; Ask and call upon the Universe Spirit of the Mother to transfigure your darkness and ignorance of Truth unto the eternal Light. She will come and outpour Her radiation right into your consciousness to change into Love all that is unlike Her.

In Service to Humanity, I remain one with the Father Principle which I also call the great "I AM" Principle; for I and this Cosmic Self are one.

Divine Integration

Love is the Omnipotent Integrating Force of the Universes allowing for Integration within us, rather than disintegration, disease, and death. Through thy attention which is thy consciousness and which is the God Force Individualized and creating in action, we can expand the Kingdom by focusing upon the Animating Power and the Inner Flame of Life at the heart. This is one of the seven I's called Identification. Identify with Truth; for the Truth shall set you free. Identify with Truth as that Flame of Life Everlasting within thy heart which is an extension of the Stream of Life from your own Supreme I AM. This is the understanding and application of the Great Creative Word "I AM" in expression for thee. For each of us is the all-pervading Word of God Individualized into expression. You are currently working towards fulfilling and balancing the divine Plan for your life. I have returned into the earth octave to help guide you and show you the way to attain immortality and true freedom forever by partaking of the Elixir of Love Eternal.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Trinity Endowment and thy Eternal Inheritance

True Freedom from the rounds of birth and death comes about by understanding our Divine Inheritance, the way to claim this gift of each son and daughter of the Universal Father Source. Trinity Endowment is the gift of the three Circuits of Attainment - the Father, the Son, and the Spirit - their divine highways which lead to them, and more immediately, lead one out from the unconscious fold of humanity. They carry one beyond the confines of having to go through the the cycle of birth and death over and over again. 

The Descent of the Cosmic Sacred Fire of Love is learning to MAGNIFY Truth in the Animating Power and Intelligence that moves you and gives us each life. thus, we MAGNETIZE to us the eternal purifying power of God. We are asking and learning to command through love the Life Flame within the heart area to expand Its Kingdom of Perfection; perfect vibratory radiation into and throughout our field of receptivity - our personal consciousness. Through the sacred beam of our attention we magnetize to us the Fire of Love from out of our own Life Flame given to us by the Great Central Sun Source and Center of all Life. We draw the fire of Love down into and through our physical conditions and our subtle bodies to create harmony, healing, and happiness in the immediate earth life and to set our self into a new trajectory...a new momentum which goes into Immortal Light, rather than recycling over and over again back into the birth and death schoolhouse wherein you are learning pleasure and pain. hence, you are learning to MANIFEST light and love and the immortality of your own lifestream carrying your existence into the higher worlds of pure positivity and overflowing expression, love and light.

Email me for a copy of my new book, In the Spirit of Truth, at

Friday, December 7, 2012

The Royal Road unto Freedom and Immortality

Unto you who would seek the true empowerment to create only Love, to bring forth the God power within, and to command all imperfection into the Perfection of Light. The way of freedom and victory is to have living faith and trust in God necessary to dissolve all things unto pure Spirit. God must become a living reality in your life. You must become bold in order to actualize your true individuality; the awakened personality that the Universal Source originally intended for you.

Learn to discern His Will from your own; for that is the most direct route towards achieving the gift of His Initiation into Eternity. Ignite the spark of God within you into a full flame through the adventure of transfiguration, resurrection, ascension. And then ye can say that you love God, in Spirit and in Truth.

With Sacrifice you will be able to purify your memory that remains lodged within the energies of your etheric body. Surrender to the greater plan and will opens a way to master the mind and the sacred power of your thought. Selflessness brings to us a mastery of the misdirected desires of the lower nature; we are then able to take dominion over the baser nature and animal instincts of the emotions. Service above all is the driving force of all sentient beings who wish to expand their own self consciousness while at the very same time furthering the Self consciousness of the Universal Whole.

This is the Path of the Immortal Ones who have graduated from the journey of the Earth.

Write to us for a free copy of IN THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH which illuminates the Law of Life and the Divine Plan for humanity to complete the journey within the earth.   email:

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Trinity Endowment in Action by Us

Invocation and Invitation: Thou Immortal Purity of the Ascended Host; I AM Purity Crystal White Fire thy Immaculate Conception. 

Thus, I AM drawing into physical conditions the Cosmic Sacred Fire Love which transfigures all energy and vibration into Itself. This is the Descent of the Cosmic Sacred Fire making constructive use of the Trinity Endowment - the Infinite Spirit and His Personalization and Focalization of the Infinite Mother Spirit of our local universe who is spread out over and through this part of creation. She is also known as the Holy Spirit. 

In this way, do we draw downward a part of the Endowment of the Trinity Source and Center to expand the Kingdom of Light, Life, and Love. Only in this way can the current civilization evolve out from the contractions of its self-created darkness. 

So, if you desire to serve God, then first purify thyself into greater Light and then allow that Light and Love to expand outward unto your particular location within the Earth. At Sovrnty, we attain this through Invocation, Instruction, Identification, Inquiry, and Invitation. 

It is the five "I's" that make us wise!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Supreme Omnipresence Individualized

It is to be understood by you that we each have this ability to qualify and condition this Energy of God. He allows it and desires that in our free will choices we qualify His presence with constructive and light filled manifestations. Anything less than that essentially tortures the God Force; when destructive qualities are imposed upon His Presence and Energy.

We are taking this one Life Force and imposing our vibrational conditions upon His innocent Life Force which is given to us with immaculate and pristine glory. Our spiritual Promise to Life is to return all Force of Energy back to its pristine glory.

In your invocations and decrees for healing, you must claim all this with determined conscious effort and will knowing that in the conscious demand and decree is the Omnipresent and Omnipotent ‘I AM’ Presence speaking and acting; for ye are gods – God individualized as thy very Self. Therefore, you have all power and authority to ‘clothe’ or impose or condition whatever the demand is with its kind.

In that decree and invocation for Love and Freedom which you will begin to learn about in this booklet, you then must know and feel with deep conviction that the ‘I AM’ of you is an invincible magnet of attraction to bring forth the Divine Substance and the Fire of Love to do your bidding – which causes every activity of the Universe to rush to you to fulfill the demand of your decree and invocation.

It is all a matter of use, once you know of these unchanging Laws of Life through the Plan of Salvation and the Law of Redemption. Once you understand the spiritual Promise of your pledge to return all Energy used back to the Source in its pristine glory and that your free will is meant to bring forth constructive manifestations and qualities you will be well on your way to the Atonement of Life Everlasting.

Practice herein what is being laid out for you knowing that the I AM which you are has all Intelligence, Power, and Authority to consciously direct the universal Omnipresent energy through the outer activity of your mind and heart (feelings).

Awaken in this moment to your full Authority and Power as an Individualization of the Omnipresent God Force; your right, your power, your spiritual promise, your conscious ability to apply these cosmic understandings to your benefit.

The moment you recognize that the Energy, Power, and Intelligence which you are using throughout every moment of your day is the Omnipresent I AM Life Force, you have thus become master and will hold dominion in your life and over your world.

Sovereignty in our life occurs when we have mastered all the Intelligent Energy and Vibration that has ever been loaned to us in creating life's circumstances and environments over a multitude of lifetimes. The Path of Sovrnty takes the student into this mastery and shows each one how to understand their relationship to the Trinity Endowment, how to make the highest and best use of these divine circuits in their individual eternal embrace, and the specific approach into Light and Life that is offered as an inheritance to each child of God to become a true son or daughter of the Trinity Source and Center - the three Persons of the Holy Trinity.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Trinity Endowment: Embracing Eternity Exercises

Preceding all conscious healing and realization it is absolutely essential to understand that everything is merely God in Action. The One God Force is the one and Only Force and Intelligence, Presence and Power that can act in your world and throughout the universes. It is the very same One Force acting everywhere at once.

Understand that prior to all healing you must be conscious and aware in thought, feeling, spoken word, and action that the Great I AM – the omnipresence of God individualized as you, yet absolutely One with the Whole Ocean of Being – is the only healing power and presence.

There is a plan for human life to become permanently free from all suffering and human limitation by consciously becoming Immortal. You can raise your life into fulfillment by understanding the hidden Plan and the Law of Life which when acted upon will propel you into having a direct and ongoing spiritual realization experience, validated by the authority of your personal relationship to the Source. Conscious physical immortality can be yours, so that, you gradually transform into a unified expression of the Source – the Father Mother God of us all. As you raise your life into alignment with this plan and higher will, you’ll discover the true meaning of life. There is a great purpose for you to fulfill, and the entire Universe waits upon your attainment.

The key to this attainment of Life Mastery is in allowing your faith to expand into your whole heart and mind. Saturate your whole being with love of Omnipresence. Give yourself unconditionally into this supreme service; for as you awaken into mastery of the Life Principle, the whole being of the Universe rejoices. Only through faith and trust can you forge a relationship with the Eternal God. As you open to hear more of the divine purpose, and choose to enter into the understanding of this approach to Life, you will become flooded with the desire for deep fulfillment and God perfection. This powerful intention and focused desire to take your life into the higher life is the fulfillment of the highest Will. You can experience throughout your day deep fulfillment and pure and simple happiness as you make the effort to realize and live the divine design. You’ll experience the joy of participating in relationship with the Source, a part of which lives within you.  Consecrating and directing your conscious mind and heart, and your human free will into living in harmony with the Eternal will give you access to the doorway into Light. It establishes you into the next evolutionary phase of human life, and it fulfills the requirements necessary to become a permanent and fully conscious Individualization of the eternal God within this local universe. This is a necessary step. It is a conscious initiation that must be attained, and there are certain steps along the way that will anchor you into the eternal initiation.

Courtesy of The Spiritual Promise of Life Everlasting: The Embracing Eternity Exercises. For a free copy, please email our office at Michael of Nebadon: Trinity Endowment Exercises

The Way of the Immortal Ones

Unto you who would seek the true empowerment to create only Love, to bring forth the God power within, and to command all imperfection into the Perfection of Light. The way of freedom and victory is to have living faith and trust in God necessary to dissolve all things unto pure Spirit. God must become a living reality in your life. You must become bold in order to actualize your true individuality; the awakened personality that the Universal Source originally intended for you.

Learn to discern His Will from your own; for that is the most direct route towards achieving the gift of His Initiation into Eternity. Ignite the spark of God within you into a full flame through the adventure of transfiguration, resurrection, ascension. And then ye can say that you love God, in Spirit and in Truth.

With Sacrifice you will be able to purify your memory that remains lodged within the energies of your etheric body. Surrender to the greater plan and will opens a way to master the mind and the sacred power of your thought. Selflessness brings to us a mastery of the misdirected desires of the lower nature; we are then able to take dominion over the baser nature and animal instincts of the emotions. Service above all is the driving force of all sentient beings who wish to expand their own self consciousness while at the very same time furthering the Self consciousness of the Universal Whole.

This is the Path of the Masters.

The White Lily

The white lily which rears its pure and snowy head high into the sunshine while its roots are grounded in the slime and muck of the darkened soil beneath. ‘Likewise,’ said he, ‘mortal man, while he has his roots of origin and being in the animal soil of human nature, can by faith raise his spiritual nature up into the sunlight of heavenly truth and actually bear the noble fruits of the spirit.’

 ‘Build well the foundations for the growth of a noble character of spiritual endowments,’ in order to yield the fruits of the spirit, you must be born of the spirit. You must be taught by the spirit and be led by the spirit if you would live the spirit-filled life among your fellows. But do not make the mistake of the foolish carpenter who wastes valuable time squaring, measuring, and smoothing his worm-eaten and inwardly rotting timber and then, when he has thus bestowed all of his labor upon the unsound beam, must reject it as unfit to enter into the foundations of the building which he would construct to withstand the assaults of time and storm. 

Let every man make sure that the intellectual and moral foundations of character are such as will adequately support the superstructure of the enlarging and ennobling spiritual nature, which is thus to transform the mortal mind and then, in association with that re-created mind, is to achieve the evolvement of the soul of immortal destiny. Your spirit nature—the jointly created soul—is a living growth, but the mind and morals of the individual are the soil from which these higher manifestations of human development and divine destiny must spring. The soil of the evolving soul is human and material, but the destiny of this combined creature of mind and spirit is spiritual and divine.’”

Courtesy of the Urantia Book

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Truth Spirit is the doorway

The Spirit of Truth pervades thy being; ask Me to help you to see what is Truth, where is Truth, and the way, the life, the truth of thy existence.

Truth changes not. It is stable, secure, and leads to happiness and harmony. Establish thyself within the unchanging Truth...the force of Life Everlasting which breathes thee, giving you life and thy individualized existence. Truth...the great all that is in existence.

Adore Him, honor Him, Invite Him to quicken your distress and disease into Light; your mental agitations and thy emotional disturbances into His glory. Raise all energy and vibration unto the Everlasting Life.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Trinity Endowment

Universal Father within thee. Eternal Son pervading thee. Infinite Spirit bathing thee in every way. You must consciously call, you must seek, you must reach and ask, you must allow and receive. Then shall ye become immersed in thy Light for everlasting...for eternity. This is the beginning of the Descent of the Cosmic Sacred Fire...thy Trinity Endowment and thy Inheritance.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

From Spark to Fuller Flame

The force of life within thee is as a spark of god that can be fanned into a fuller flame of love and mercy through your attention...thy free will to focus your awareness...your consciousness...upon this spark and ask for it to expand its kingdom and its glory of light.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Mercy Flame

Wait no longer to attain greater peace and prosperity. I bring with Me the Waters of Life Everlasting ready to distribute this to you, when you open yourself to greater receptivity. The Immortal Ones...the Ascended Host...and the vast numbers of powerfully illuminated Cosmic Beings who embody the virtues of God Himself with such love and compassion await your reach unto themselves...the greater consciousness of thyself within the Oneness of the Supreme principle of Life.

I stand ready to direct you into the Mercy Flame of forgiveness and to give to you freely the divine Nectar...the elixir of Love...which offers to you the opportunity of dissolving your distress and confusion. It is not only to give your invocation and invitations or decrees each day, yet you must have the help of those higher up existing within the great octaves of Light. This is the way of all life reach for the higher help. To discard all pride and resistance to receive help and guidance from those who hold the greater understanding.

Invitation and Decree: "I AM Violet Fire Mercy Flame Sacred Fire Love and Forgiveness." Then, you must, by divine law, envision and visualize that Flame of forgiveness, violet, blue, and pink in color, saturating you and enveloping your physical body and subtle inner bodies of thought and feeling. Place your heart in the asking and with firm determination and asking, command thyself into this receptivity and freedom as you chant this decree during your day and especially in times of stress and challenge.

Call upon Me in the person of the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter as Michael of this local universe, and I will come to assist you in your attainment of the greater Light. You may also call upon the great Creative Spirit of the Infinite Mother- the Holy Spirit - and Her legions of angels to assist your transfiguration.

I bid you all health and healing, all love and consciousness, all power and strength!

Esu Kumara Michael

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Regeneration of Humanity

Receive of the Life that I AM within your heart, and invite that Spark of Life to expand throughout thy energy so that you wipe away all mistakes and error, sins and bad impulses which have a momentum built up within your energy field and which must be recalled and then redeemed through the flame of forgiveness which only you can bring forth and draw unto thyself to wash away these unfortunate tendencies.Through the teachings of the Immortal Ones, I bring forth to humanity the way, the truth, and the life which I AM and which you are in all truth and clarity; for you are the great I AM, the Cosmic Christ, the Supreme God in human form and only must remember your existence in Him and then spend the time to shed the old way, the heavy energies and human momentum by daily inviting the Cosmic Flame of Love to purify you and take out of you all destructive accumulations from the past. And your invitation can be called forth through certain decrees or invitations to the Ascended Host and Cosmic Beings who act as step down transformers directing the flow of these cosmic forces of Light and Love into Humanity. Just say, ' I AM pure Violet Fire Mercy Flame, Sacred Fire of Forgiveness, come forth and purify my energy please."

If you find the courage and the strength to follow in the footsteps of the Immortal Ones, then regeneration will be yours, freedom will be found, clarity and purpose in life will re-emerge for you, as you awaken to your divine heritage and greater Identity.

Esu Kumara Michael

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Great Principle of Life

It is essential in life to understand the first principle of all life. There are trillions of beings throughout the universes but the divine principle in them is one and the same. Thus, recognize and then go further to realize, and then even further to draw downward into your life and physical world conditions this One "Fire" of Love, this all-pervading principle and Force which is the basis of everything, everywhere. The principle of divinity that is present in all, in every form  has been called by many different names, yet it is nameless and all is derived from this One Presence of Intelligence and this One Great Principle of Life which gives of himself endlessly and is unlimited in giving of His substance and energy to sustain creation. 

The Omnipresent Force is the support and the body of creation is that which is supported. Acknowledge and recognize this One Principle that is Life as existing everywhere, as everything,and everyone. Then, all else will be aligned with what you have worshiped and focused upon in Him.

The oversoul of thyself is this One Life Force Individualized as You. Give all love and attention to this principle of thyself, and Its omnipotent capability to be drawn down into and throughout your life and physical world in order to erase all mistakes, all struggle, and all strife, immediately replacing these with the great virtues or qualities of God.



Decreeing the glory of God as you chant through the heart will allow Him to expand His glory right in you. Place your mind and heart into His Will so that you can manifest the divine plan for your life - a plan of fulfillment and bliss through love and devotion.


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thou Art the Great I AM Individualized

Instruction: Today if you are struggling or in an kind of distress, attempt not to solve your problems through human ways. The solution is in the dissolution and that can only come about by calling upon the Sacred Fire Love and Mercy from the Higher Octaves wherein the Ascended Masters are. this Sacred Fire Love is God's Omnipotence in action through the Ascended Host, the Angels, Archangels, Elohim, and many other Cosmic Beings who live to serve and raise humanity out of their struggle and distress. Anything that we personally experience is an effect of an earlier cause set in motion by us at a previous point in time and space which you probably won't remember, yet know, that is the Law . . . that nothing can come to us unless we ourselves have set it into motion. So, if you desire healing and wholeness to return to you, then be fully accountable for all that comes to you and is in you, resist the temptation to blame outer world appearances or other people for your distress, and call upon the Omnipotent Power of Love and Mercy through the Ascended Host.

This is the Descent of the Cosmic Fire, the expansion of your own Unfed Flame of Life Force anchored within the chalice of your heart and beyond. The heart is your closest doorway wherein the all-pervading, omnipresent Life Force exists. Within this Force of Life is the Luminous Presence of the Sacred Fire Love and Intelligence....Infinite Intelligence which  must have your conscious cooperation and trust, your free will choice and your determination to have it come and enter into your personal world to raise your problems and struggle, your density and darkness into Its Light. whatsoever It touches in its expansion which you must call forth, it changes unto Itself. The darkness, ignorance, struggle and problems of humanity can only be resolved in this way . . . through the Omnipotent Power of God, the Life Force of Love and Mercy; and this Force exists right within you at the chalice of your Heart, it enfolds you personally, and is the Ocean of Intelligence and Power existing everywhere, as everything, and everyone.

Decree: "I AM Pure Violet Fire, Mercy Flame, Pure and Luminous Sacred Fire Immortal Purity."

In the Majesty of His Love
Michael of Nebadon

Monday, November 5, 2012

Thought becomes things in manifestation

God is the Source of all Thought, Thought is Love, Love is Ether, Ether is Energy, Energy becomes Substance, Substance is Manifestation of everything we see around us. Give all allegiance and honor, all praise and recognition to the Source of us all, and know that you and I...we are each Individualizations of that One Source and Center made in the image and likeness, which refers to the fact that we create and set things into motion in the same way on our microcosmic levels of existence. Yet, there may come a day in the far distant future wherein you find yourself creating a country, a planet, and even greater in exactly this way. Yet for the meantime, you have created and shaped your environment, your personal consciousness, and your destiny by taking up Thought and Feeling, using the Energy of God and bringing into manifestation the circumstances and relationships of your life and world. All is set into motion through God and His Thought.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Thy Thought and Feeling is the doorway

Be vigilant in thy thought and feeling for this is the doorway to greater things that you yourselves create with the creative power of your being.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Descent of the Cosmic Fire

Excerpt from Descent of the Cosmic Fire (another private part of my writings needing your password to read further)
...This is the one and only God Force that you are commanding and which desires that you command of Him these things for greater Perfection to take place in creation. It comes down to you through your own Oversoul Presence, and it is intent on establishing Absolute Mastery in the physical world. It is the way, the truth, and the Life Everlasting that raises your life into the Ascendant Life…immortality…permanent peace and an expanded galactic expression which you are craving. You become at one eternally with your own Life Flame right within you...