Saturday, September 21, 2024

Sevenfold Truths of Character

The power of memory weaves and winds every impression up more closely so that the thought impressions might register within thine field of expression. The same thing is seen in the higher region of ideas and beliefs and emotions and feelings. Long established associations and opinions survive their rejection by reason. Convince a man of his life-long errors today, and he reasserts them tomorrow, so strong is the tendency of thought to move in its long accustomed cerebral tracks. A man's desire may be good but when habits are to be corrected, he too often finds the will dethroned and paralyzed in grooves of habit. Grooves like the indentations upon the material of a record which create deeply-held impressions of causes and effects. What affects our time and space experience are these impressions of thought imposed upon the very fabric of Life. And thee same thoughts affect our character. The human being in its persona nature shall express itself through form which is character. The sevenfold truths are the foundation upon which all expression shall become elevated and ennobled - truthfulness, temerity, tenderness, tenacity, transparency, totality, and trust. Truth is the first and indispensable condition of character growth, and genuine, lasting success grows and emerges from out of all character righteousness; the very motivations of every decision and moral choice is derived from character. There is nothing complicated in truth, neither is it susceptible of any limitation. The truth seeking mind goes forward with reservation, modest candor and developing dignity. Habit grows by compliance and adherence. When we lose the habit, we lose the ability. The chief means of improving our rational powers is the vigorous use of them in various ways. Men of universal memory are those who combine most happily the ready memory of facts with the tenacious memory of truths. Be thou temerously determined and tenaciously awake in thine choices; for these shall form the character by which all decisions are grown. Through mental attraction and appropriation the persona soul emerges and becomes individualized beyond the collective. Ye shall learn but little when you only read. The soul can recall no more than it can make its own as an ideal by which it lives, and this occurs through habitual living of a certain technique that brings spontaneousness, genuineness, and originality. To remember well and to become is the thing. Read and reflect and realize while holding the breath .. pause when it is finished .. and take another breath to review it; this practice, if observed, shall detain the mind long enough to receive a permanent impression upon its very fabric; for thine field of expression is alike unto the grooves of the olden records which played music. I sayeth unto thee .. concentrated repetition is the only specific for inattention. If a person's attention be wanting, then study mathematics, for in demonstration, if the attention is diverted ever so little, it will be necessary to begin again. A resolute will overcomes obstacles. Perseverance, sometimes, equals genius in its results. Michael Of Nebadon 21st Century Sevenfold Revelation