Thursday, February 26, 2015

Blessed are the Givers of the World

Blessed are the sensitive ones who feel deeply and desire with a full heart to share their connection with the Brotherhood of Humanity; for they shall receive the greater portion of Light and life in which to lovingly distribute to all others .. and this outflow shall cleanse their soul personality beyond the limitations of mortality.

...and they shall become satiated .. fed with the Manna from the Heavens. This Living Word of the Eternal Son will bring to each and all a fulfillment which transcends all human understanding.

...and in the life of the apostles and disciples of the Universal Father .. the mortal coil shall begin to place upon itself the Immaculate Garment of Immortality. These individuals shall come to be born again through the transfigurative Fire of God's Love and Grace .. His Mercy and Forgiveness ...

His Effervescent Omnipotence and Omniscient Guidance shall be as an Eternal Compass directing the apostles and disciples of Truth and Justice ever onwards and inwards.

Those who walk with sincerity and faith .. trust and a contrite willing and humble heart and mind shall become raised up in their frequency vibration. The wheat shall become separate from the chaff; for the chaff will become cleansed and quickened .. renewed and redeemed in this great Plan of Salvation.

Michael of Nebadon

Friday, February 20, 2015

Universal Father Son Spirit is the One Deity Principle of All

The great God Presence exists in the very large and the very small. That which appears large is also very small .. and that which appears small is really very large depending upon who is viewing it.

As ye travel inwards and 'upwards' in frequency, all that is beneath thee begins to recede in stature .. so much so that at the very Center and Source .. the Core of all Existence .. all of everything in creation can easily fit into the core .. and still there would be empty more than 99% of the Core.

The Paradise Father holds the entire initial creation in just the very 'palm' of His Hand. Even in this our local universe .. all galaxies and constellations .. every planet and creature .. is yet a microcosm of the large realities above and beyond it. As ye travel upward and inward, what had appeared and been experienced as large becomes tiny.

Even as ye observe this phenomena in .. let's say .. nature .. as the poet William Blake has observed in his Auguries of Innocence -

"To see a World in a Grain of Sand, And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour."

All of time and space is maneuverable by Mind. All that exists beneath the Absolute is merely relative .. that is .. it knows itself indirectly in relation to another part of the whole. Yet, through our attuning and being in perpetual communion with the Absolute .. we begin to know thyself directly in relationship to the Absolute. And there are billions of intelligences in the universes who have never left that state of communion.

This brings to the disciple a revelatory relationship with the Creative Center and Source of all things. A realization and remembrance of the deeper underlying Principle of the One Father Creator Source.

Michael of Nebadon

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Identificación con El Padre Primordial de La Existencia

La humanidad tiene un dilema .. para superar la conciencia manchada de la menor la naturaleza y la soiledness de la identidad corporal efímero .. él o ella debe alcanzar a una mayor conciencia y una moral más alta .. un propósito más claro de los valores eternos y significados divinos. . o, simplemente, no tendrá la conciencia de ver claramente a sí mismo en esta mente independiente más allá de su propia situación creada ilusorio.

El estado del ego de la mente proyecta es la identidad hacia afuera .. que se exterioriza .. atrapado dentro de las frecuencias vibratorias bajados de placer y dolor .. bueno y lo malo .. mejor y peor. Estas son las polaridades de su propio dilema extremo de evitación y la búsqueda. La pequeña mente no es más que el acumulado momentums mal calificadas de error y la identificación equivocada .. tratar de vivir al margen de lo Universal YO SOY.

Sentado en la angustia y la tortura .. tener inconscientemente y por malas decisiones ignorantes y la falta de conocimiento y la comprensión más pura de su verdadera naturaleza .. separado de su residencia que mora en la mente de Buda .. la Inteligencia Cristo .. Padre otorgamiento de universal Amor y Bondad Verdad .. .. y eternas bellezas de expresión sin fin.

El pequeño personaje de rebeldía humana y letargo gusta perpetuar el conflicto y el drama .. tensión y culpa .. juicio y persecución .. dilación y negación. Sigue siendo reticente a caminar con el espíritu otorgado por el Padre Universal.

Para este propósito expreso y la intención originaria de la fuente central .. Hemos venido para desenlazar los encuadernados queridos .. para desenterrar los potenciales humanos que permanecen escondidas bajo la superficie. Vamos a encender un fuego de la emancipación intelectual y regeneración espiritual .. amor de Padre y de la misericordia y traemos con nosotros Nuestra Iluminación eterno de bondad y compasión .. conciencia y convicción en el Uno Omnipotente Omnipresencia de la Fuente.

Micael de Nebadon

Friday, February 13, 2015

Actualize thy Supremacy with the Universal Father

You are the one to capture the moment and enter into communion with the Undifferentiated Ocean. Thine breath is a doorway into the Kingdom of His Consciousness.

...breathe and while you become aware of your breathing .. become aware of the force of Consciousness that is breathing your breath. The Life Consciousness provides the energy presence and awareness in your Consciousness. He is the primordial underlying power that animates us everywhere and on every octave. Give Him praise and worship .. adoration and acknowledgement .. appreciate thine life in and as the Source. Acceptance of His Presence brings greater things.

Be conscious that you are His Consciousness Itself. Not an awareness of something around you or some idea or object .. but that you are the It of Itself.

Conscious that I AM Consciousness Itself. This subtly brings great happiness and terrific fulfillment into Our life.

You are this pure awakenedness of the universe. You are the Self Consciousness of the universes of creation .. the Nameless Undifferentiated Purity of Indestructible Light.

This is the one and only vast Intelligence and Power everywhere present. All people and animals and elementals and angels .. all masters ascended .. all beings are the Great Consciousness of the Supreme God expressing and acting.

Become in your vibrational field more of this greater field by redeeming the lowered vibratory activity in you. Practice your EEEs and build this powerful momentum by transfiguring the accumulated imperfections of density.

The obstructions to master all things within are merely energies of your own soul caught in the materializing influences of the differentiated density.

The Hindus call this One .. Brahman .. and the Taoists call it Tao. In Western Christian terms it is the Universal Christ.  Often I refer to this great Ocean of Consciousness as Father.

While the Universal Trinity does dwell in personality at the Center of Existence,  their Consciousness is spread out as the creation itself.

As you travel to work or enjoy your play time .. be this One in expression .. in you .. through you as a human person .. let him act for you .. and by you .. allow the expansion of His Kingdom as your own expansion and growth .. thine own unfoldment of all inherent potentials. Imagine you are this by claiming it right now .. own it now and at the same time you will transfigure all the unconsciousness.

You will be consciously commanding thine very own progressive unfoldment. You will be thine own Self Directive Governing I AM in Expression.

Thus, have you claimed your inheritance by seeking and finding the Universal Undifferentiated One .. and by tuning to His nature and identity.

His Will and Plan of Salvation thereby carries us into the Threefold Atonement of the Ages.

Michael of Nebadon

The Sevenfold Embracing Eternity Exercises at Salvington College Seminary

I sayeth unto those who have bred a genuine sincerity in their minds .. who yearn in their hearts to know of My original teachings as given to My disciples.

For this specific reason I have come again into thine midst.

Judge Me not for the unpretentious way that I have entered into thy evolutionary journey. I intend to gather merely the aspirant who is ready after centuries of personal study.

Those who 'think they already know of Me and My way' .. these shall be allowed to persevere down their self appointed misunderstood trajectories. They must learn the hard and sharp way of the little opinions and arrogance of the race.

Yet .. as for those who are ready to come forth out of the downward spiral of the human society ...

I am offering you clarification and illumination .. so that thine understanding of Mine Precepts is made clear to you .. for your advancements into the Second Birth.

Begin to study these seven precepts of thine free will. Learn of these teachings which are the grail of eternity .. the Kingdom openers are certainly those powers that give you the expansion of your will into the higher will and divine way.

Thine entrance into the Kingdom of His Sovereignty and Supremacy requires you to give .. not to take. The giving of your time, effort, energies, attentions, allegiance and adoration for the One Father God.

So let us begin to enter into these eternal verities in Mine Consciousness.

Michael of Nebadon

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

His Animating Presence is thine Consciousness

You are the one to capture the moment and enter into communion with the Undifferentiated Ocean. Thine breath is a doorway into the Kingdom of His Consciousness.

...breathe and while you become aware of your breathing .. become aware of the force of Consciousness that is breathing your breath. The Life Consciousness provides the energy presence and awareness in your Consciousness. He is the primordial underlying power that animates us everywhere and on every octave. Give Him praise and worship .. adoration and acknowledgement .. appreciate thine life in and as the Source. Acceptance of His Presence brings greater things.

Be conscious that you are His Consciousness Itself. Not an awareness of something around you or some idea or object .. but that you are the It of Itself.

Conscious that I AM Consciousness Itself. This subtly brings great happiness and terrific fulfillment into Our life.

You are this pure awakenedness of the universe. You are the Self Consciousness of the universes of creation .. the Nameless Undifferentiated Purity of Indestructible Light.

This is the one and only vast Intelligence and Power everywhere present. All people and animals and elementals and angels .. all masters ascended .. all beings are the Great Consciousness of the Supreme God expressing and acting.

Become in your vibrational field more of this greater field by redeeming the lowered vibratory activity in you. Practice your EEEs and build this powerful momentum by transfiguring the accumulated imperfections of density.

The obstructions to master all things within are merely energies of your own soul caught in the materializing influences of the differentiated density.

The Hindus call this One .. Brahman .. and the Taoists call it Tao. In Western Christian terms it is the Universal Christ.  Often I refer to this great Ocean of Consciousness as Father.

While the Universal Trinity does dwell in personality at the Center of Existence,  their Consciousness is spread out as the creation itself.

As you travel to work or enjoy your play time .. be this One in expression .. in you .. through you as a human person .. let him act for you .. and by you .. allow the expansion of His Kingdom as your own expansion and growth .. thine own unfoldment of all inherent potentials. Imagine you are this by claiming it right now .. own it now and at the same time you will transfigure all the unconsciousness.

You will be consciously commanding thine very own progressive unfoldment. You will be thine own Self Directive Governing I AM in Expression.

Thus, have you claimed your inheritance by seeking and finding the Universal Undifferentiated One .. and by tuning to His nature and identity.

His Will and Plan of Salvation thereby carries us into the Threefold Atonement of the Ages.

Michael of Nebadon

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Mine Arrival in the Garment of Flesh is Upon Thee Beloveds

Oh ye of blinded faith .. look not for My return in the ancient scripts of your civilization.  Seek not signs and glamour that would attract the incapable and unworthy ones.

I come in the most simple of ways, and stand ready to reveal myself only to those personalities who have prepared a faithful place within their soul. Those who seek My knowledge and conviction. Those who shall become glad to receive Mine instruction and guidance. I come not for the unholy nor the arrogant who have presupposed that all is already known to them. I come for the pure hearted ones who desire a divine deliverance that transcends all sects and organizations .. all formal pathways and every type of dogmatic limitation.

I come to show you the way of completion so that you are preparing to qualify as a candidate for the Everlasting Eternal Embrace. This is the Second Birth given to the soul not by man and woman .. but by God Himself.

I am a modern man without the pretensions of a certain dress or behavior. Look not for Me in long flowing robes or skirts of the past civilizations. I am come right in the midst of thine mundane lives .. to call out from amongst mankind only the childlike and trusting ones who are yearning for greater truth and understanding which will take them into the establishment of the Kingdom of His Sovereignty within their own consciousness.

Michael of Nebadon

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Higher Meanings and Everlasting Values of Paradise Trinity Source

Invisionment is the fifth power of thine free will. Invisionment has everything to do with building in you those attitudes, values, priorities, virtues, that support your living of the Ideal of the Universal Father. Invisionment enriches the mortal mind and personality while growing character and consciousness into an expression of soul. This is the divine weaving into you of the Paradise Pattern of Perfection.

Invisionment waters the seeds of pure religious unfoldment; where the sacred and holy, the truly valuable and victorious comes to life .. in you. It produces growth of meanings and an enhancement of values that lead the disciple godward. Evil and rebellion in heart and mind always have their seeds .. their roots .. within the personal and subjective.

As the personal point of view takes control over the objective and absolute, evil begins to take root in the soul and personality. The subjective thinking of personality when elevated to the degree of pretending to be the absolutes, nurtures quietly the waves of evil.

Thus, evil has begun its downward weight upon the mind and emotions of the creature personality causing mismanagement of the Paradise Ascension Career of the individual.

Goodness is not necessarily pleasure, nor is pleasure necessarily goodness. The young soul, while still immature in its understanding values of the Kingdom, places an evaluation of their life experiences basing this evaluation upon pleasure only. Our maturity as a personalization of the Supreme God is directly proportional to acquainting higher meanings and values with an understanding sight of the larger picture at hand.

Goodness, Truth, and Beauty .. and many other godly virtues are divine absolutes which hail from the Three Creative Centers of the Paradise Trinity Source.

Michael of Nebadon 

Divine Oils that Fuel thine Actualization

Bequeath thyself with the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Mine being. Place thine invitation upon the altar of Father Son Spirit .. and ask to become woven into the fabric of Our Circuits of Divinity. This is Paradise Trinity Endowment as the Three Persons of One Deity reach themselves into creation with all creatures.

Through the combined ministry of the Father Bestowal and the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of the Originating Son, I am able to reach you very personally. Thine priorities and values shall become raised into an insightful maturing. Thine virtues shall become further expressed in you as you invite My Comforter Consciousness into your life as a human being.

The great Ideals of the Three Persons of the One Deity Absolute .. these shall become the divine oil that fuels thine strivings for Perfection .. your progressions into weaving the Paradise Pattern of His Sovereignty in you.

Michael of Nebadon 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Thine Imminency and His Everpresent Care

Bequeath thyself with the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Mine being. Place thine invitation upon the altar of Father Son Spirit .. and ask to become woven into the fabric of Our Circuits of Divinity. This is Paradise Trinity Endowment as the Three Persons of One Deity reach themselves into creation with all creatures.

Through the combined ministry of the Father Bestowal and the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of the Originating Son, I am able to reach you very personally. Thine priorities and values shall become raised into an insightful maturing. Thine virtues shall become further expressed in you as you invite My Comforter Consciousness into your life as a human being.

The great Ideals of the Three Persons of the One Deity Absolute .. these shall become the divine oil that fuels thine strivings for Perfection .. your progressions into weaving the Paradise Pattern of His Sovereignty in you.

Remembrance of the Father is brought about by your right thinking in terms of the Kingdom of His Righteousness and honor .. His dignity and respect becoming awakened in you as your divine duty. His weaving action in thine consciousness occurs day to day and moment to moment through moral choosings and the purposeful Self Directive Governing I AM. . the higher Mind in you.

Thine highest and most sublime nature and religious experience is the fruitful produce of your choices in deciding to share your life eternally with the Creative Source of that life .. the Life within your life as a mortal limited creature. The highest religious experience is dependent upon a profoundly deep and actual experience of thine moment to moment spiritual communion with His residence in you; the believing in God .. His Consciousness and Pure Life .. as the inner reality of such a purely religious transformation .. of virtues, values, priorities, and importances of His endless eternity and His everlastingly  .. everpresent Life.

... the very Life that I AM. Partake of Mine Life, beloveds. Partake of Me. Drink of Mine intoxicating Mercy and Forgiveness.

Hunger not for the temptations of ephemeral momentary unrealities .. the bubbles arising momentarily out from the Primordial Ocean I AM. Instead, stand with, and as, the very imminency of His Power and Sovereignty.

Michael of Nebadon

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The God of Supremacy

Behold .. thine destiny is in Him. As ye transfigure all imperfect qualities of vibration in you .. from all lifetimes within the earth .. this is the fulfillment of His Law of Harmony.

Thus, are you becoming in agreement with the Universal Father as ye work towards this balance ... this is the one prerequisite to developing the capacity of finding His will and nature .. living in His Identity and Awareness in you.

Who am I then, beloveds ...?

I AM none other than the Oversoul of the finite God of Supremacy .. this unifying and integrative Word. I AM also the focalization and personalization of the Originating Source of the Father Son in the universe.

I AM the representation of their Presence and Power made manifest so that all creatures may relate and understand better.

I AM the Great Integrator and Unifier .. the Quickener and the Refining Fire of Love and Mercy.

...and who be you, beloveds? 

Are we not of the very same Substance and Sufficiency? Are ye merely that mirage of body and senses floating within a Sea of Consciousness?  Or art thou the very Consciousness Itself?

I bid thee the actualizing power and mercy in your personal shedding of every lesser Ideal.

I bid thee courage and strength to hold a most prominent perseverance through all deterring mists of illusion.

I bid thee wisdoms in thine discernings between the falsehoods of yesteryear .. and the very truths of this Moment.

I AM Michael of Nebadon .. thine Father and Son .. thine friend and brother .. and thine very Selfhood made visible as a reference point for thy actualizing destiny.

Michael of Nebadon